
Cards (89)

  • seven sacraments baptism confirmation eucharist holy orders marriage anointing the sick reconciliation
  • baptism - washing with water, symbolises cleansing from sin
  • confirmation - laying on hands by bishop, gives the gift of holy spirit
  • eucharist/communion - eating bread and drinking wine to remember jesus' sacrifice
  • holy orders - ordination into priesthood or diaconate
  • original sin belief that since adam and eve all christians are born with sin and must be baptised to be seen as pure
  • jesus sacrifice quote that he came to give his life as a ransom for many
  • atonement belief that jesus death was necessary to pay off debt owed to god because humans had sinned
  • baptism ritual where water is poured over someone to symbolise being washed clean from original sin
  • confession admitting your sins to priest who will then forgive them on behalf of god
  • catholic church believes that the pope has authority over other churches, but protestants believe they have their own leaders
  • redemption the act of being saved from sin or evil, especially by the death of Jesus Christ
  • salvation the state of being saved from sin and its consequences through faith in Jesus Christ
  • trinity three parts of one God - Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit
  • incarnation- jesus in the flesh
  • jesus is called the prince of peace
  • living and dying quote - he who believes will live even when he dies
  • god created everything out of nothing
  • day of judgement quote each one may receive what is due for him for the things hes done
  • appearing for judgement quote - for we all must appear before the judgement sent of christ
  • holy trinity quote - go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptising them in the name of the father, son and holy spirit
  • stewardship quote- let them rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky
  • procreation quote - be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it
  • garden of eden quote - the lord God took the man and put him in the garden of eden to work it and take care of it
  • stewardship quote - he made us stewards of his creation
  • dominion quote - he gave us dominion over them all
  • loving jesus quote- if you dont love jesus outloud it must not be real love
  • evangelism quote - go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation
  • baptism trinity quote - make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father son and holy spirit
  • baptism condemn quote - whoever believes and is baptized will be saved but whoever doesnt believe will be condemned
  • evangelist work# quote- do the work if an evangelist- fulfill your ministry
  • baptism - faith is confirmed and grace increased
  • quakers dont believe in sacraments as all actions are sacred
  • CoE believe in the 2 main sacraments
  • reconciliation- asking the priest for forgiveness and the prayer of absolution
  • eucharist quote- take and eat this it is my body drink this it is my blood
  • eucharist is a source of ongoing spiritual encouragement
  • matrimony quote- So they are no longer two but one flesh. let not man separate.
  • marriage- for couples to procreate complete a sacrament and grow closer to God together
  • gay marriage- homosexual persons are called to chastity