Cards (10)

  • St Vincent De Paul Society
  • It is a society working to relive poverty within the UK and other places
  • St Vincent dedicated his life to prisoners and the poor
  • It has 16,000 volunteers in the Uk alone ~ often attached to Catholic parishes
  • Carries out over 1,000,000 visits annually in the uk
  • Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is an important part of their mission
  • SVP works to provide DIGNITY to the poor as they are made IMAGO DEI
    They do this by visiting the sick, lonely and housebound ~ providing much needed friendship
    They also visit prisoners who have no one else to visit them
    They provide low cost housing for those otherwise in danger of homelessness
  • Promote belief in COMMON GOOD ~ treat everyone equally in society regardless of their background, race, gender, religion, etc.
    eg. SVP work with parishes and school groups to encourage everyone to be responsible for looking after the vulnerable community
  • What else do the SVP do?
    • collect and distribute furniture/household items for families in desperate need
    • hostels for those recently released from prison or on bail
    • counselling service & debt management service
    • youth camps for vulnerable young people
  • In Matthew's Gospel Jesus says "Love thy Neighbour"