Popova 17

Cards (49)

  • détruite - destroyed (adj)
  • une estrade - a stage, a platform
  • dresser - to dress, to set up, to train, to draw up, to stand up / rise (verb, 1st group)
  • à mille visages - with 1000 faces (multifaceted, versatile, or has many different aspects or appearances)
  • un visage - a face
  • un flambeau - a torch, a candle, a light
  • en même temps - at the same time
  • de tous côtes - from all sides
  • un côté - a side
  • célébrer - to celebrate (more formal and often involves solemnity or ceremony)
  • une prise - a take over, gaining control over sth
  • un Etat - a state
  • un peuple - people (implies a sense of unity and identity)
  • populaire - popular
  • flotter - to float, to wave in the wind (verb, 1st group)
  • orner qch - to decorate sth (verb, 1st group)
  • la veille - the eve, the day before
  • un bal - a dance
  • se diriger vers qch - to go towards someone/something (verb, 1st group)
  • un air - a melody, a song
  • un danseur / une danseuse - a dancer
  • partout - everywhere
  • militaire - military (adj)
  • une capitale - a capital
  • un(e) hôte - a guest
  • défiler - to walk down ( the street ), to parade, to march (verb, 1st group) (pecifically refers to the action of marching or parading in a formal procession, often in a coordinated manner and usually in a specific direction)
  • une république - a republic
  • républicain(e) - republican (adj)
  • la gloire - the fame, the glory
  • officiel(le) - official (adj)
  • puisque - since that
  • la liberté - liberty
  • une chanson - a song
  • un chanteur / une chanteuse - a singer
  • un feu d'artifice - a firework
  • illuminer qch - to light up sth, to illuminate (verb, 1st group)
  • un rire - a laugh
  • plaisanter - to joke (verb, 1st group)
  • une plaisanterie - a joke
  • un habitant(e) - a resident