Cards (13)

  • The U.S. government sought to gain more territory and establish a growing influence in the Western Hemisphere
  • In 1814, the Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Britain, but left many things unclear, especially regarding Canada
  • John Quincy Adams negotiated a treaty with Britain
    1. Established the border between the U.S. and Canada along the 49th parallel
    2. Established joint U.S.-British occupation of the disputed Oregon Territory for 10 years
  • The Florida Territory belonged to Spain, who was having difficulty governing it due to rebellions in their South American colonies
  • Andrew Jackson was sent by President Monroe to Florida
    1. Protect the American border
    2. Push the interlopers (Seminole Indians, runaway slaves, white settlers) back to where they came from
  • Jackson attacked two Spanish forts, executed two Seminole chiefs and two British citizens, which angered Britain and Spain
  • As a result, Spain decided to sell the Florida Territory to the U.S., and John Quincy Adams negotiated the Adams-Onis Treaty in 1819 to make the sale official and define the border
  • By 1822, several South American countries had gained independence from European colonial powers
  • President Monroe quickly recognized their independence and established diplomatic relations with them
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Declared that the lands and nations in the Western Hemisphere were the U.S.'s business, and that European militaries should not interfere
  • The Monroe Doctrine officially challenged European authority in the Americas
  • A significant motivating factor was trade - the U.S. established thriving trade relationships with Mexico and across the Pacific
  • The increased demand for U.S. goods led to a revolution in manufacturing, known as the Market Revolution