The idea that all matter and energy in the universe began in an unimaginably dense state, 13.7 billion years ago, then space itself began expanding and then cooled, allowing the formation of particles and atoms
Georges Lemaître
The first person to write about the Big Bang theory in 1927
Christian belief about creation
God created the world and everything on it in seven days, as seen in the book of Genesis ('let there be light')
Some Christians reject scientific theories about creation
They believe the creation story in the Bible is true in all detail
Some Christians believe there is no conflict between science and religion
They believe the Big Bang and evolution are part of God's plan
Psalms 8: ''When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers...what is mankind that you are mindful of him, human beings that you care for them?''
Genesis 1: ''God blessed them and said "be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky''
Colossians 1: ''...all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together''
Sanctity of life
The belief that life is holy and belongs to God
Genesis 1: ''So God created mankind in his own image''
'So God created mankind in his own image'
God chose what he wanted us to be like and made no mistakes in creation - we are all spiritually similar to him
Genesis 2: ''Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground''
Jeremiah 1: ''Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart''
Psalm 139: ''you knit me together in my mother'swomb''
1 Corinthians: ''Do you not know that your bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit''
Importance of sanctity of life for Christians
Shows God cares for humans
Shows all humans are equal because God loves all people, we should treat each other with respect and dignity
Teaches that decisions about life and death are very important eg. abortion or euthanasia
Teaches that human life is sacred from conception - we are all intrinsically valuable because we are created by God
Theory of evolution
All of today's species have evolved from simple life forms that first started to develop over 3 billion years ago
Evolution - if God was all knowing
He would have made fully evolved versions of creatures when he first created them because he would have known what they'd need to survive
Evolution - if God was all loving
He wouldn't allow natural selection because God loves all creation and wouldn't allow a survival of the fittest scenario
Evolution - if God was all powerful
He would have stopped natural selection and made them all suitably adapted for survival
How Christians respond to evolution
Some feel that it isn't compatible with the Bible and reject it
Others see no conflict, viewing evolution as part of God's plan
Why Christians should consider evolution
Strong evidence to support evolution, to ignore them suggests Christians aren't willing to respond to challenged
Christians can learn and be enriched by shared knowledge
They need to consider scientific religious views that may be compatible
Christian belief about what happens when you die
Upon death - paradise
When Jesus returns - the dead will rise
Then - he will separate people into 2 groups
Finally - there will be a new heaven and a new earth
John 3:16: ''For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life''
Luke 24: ''look at my hands and my feet...a ghost does not have flesh and bones!''
Why Christians believe in life after death
God promises an afterlife and God keeps all his promises
Christians believe that God is eternal and created life to have a purpose
When Jesus came back from the dead he proved to the world that death wasn't the end
What Christians learn about humanity
It can be saved from the punishment and consequences of sin, as proved by Jesus' death and resurrection
What Christians learn about where God is
There is a place where God dwells 'the heavenly realms', which is stated through the Bible
What Christians learn about pain
There will be no more crying, mourning or pain
What Christians believe will happen to them when Jesus comes back
They will get new bodies, as Jesus got a new one when he was resurrected
Remembered lives
People may believe they have flashback memories of previous lives, suggesting that death is not the end
Christian response to remembered lives
Christians believe that life after death is in heaven or hell, so memories of previous lives are mistaken
Paranormal events
Unexplained events with a spiritual cause eg. ghosts which some people consider to be evidence of life after death
Christian response to paranormal events
Christians do not accept these as evidence of life after death as nothing in the Bible supports ideas of souls coming back to Earth after death
Some may think it is logical there is an afterlife, to give life meaning
Christian response to logic
Christians might respond that it is more than logic, as evidence is given in the Bible
It makes sense to many people that there should be a reward after death for living a good life on Earth, but this would not be with God
Christian response to Reward
Christians agree that good deeds may be rewarded in heaven, but that it is only through having faith in Jesus that we are reconciled with God
The idea of life after death can give people hope and make them less afraid of death
Christian response to comfort
Christians agree, but also believe they will be reunited with God in heaven