Cards (11)

  • Hockney & James
    • Elderly are infantilised and have no control over their lives, becoming dependent on their children.
    • Common in nursing homes - low status, seen as 'simple', given pocket money and bedtimes
    • Develop learned helplessness as a result
  • Arber & Ginn
    • Elderly contribute to the economy via unpaid work, like charity shops and babysitting
    • Provide emotional support and help with practical issues where necessary
  • Roberts - 3 types of childhood to adulthood transition
    1. Abrupt - Bemba girls are classed as women after their period
    2. Gradual (13-21) - UK compulsory state education is 18
    3. Lengthy - 13-25+ years
  • Goffman
    • Stigma about age leads to a ‘master status’
    • Older people may experience ageism where they are stereotyped and discriminated against due to their age.  
  • Master status definition

    This identity transcends all other aspects of identity and becomes one’s defining characteristic. 
  • Featherstone and Hepworth
    • An increasing number of older people refuse to conform to stereotypes and choose lively and imaginative activities like exotic holidays, windsurfing and salsa dancing 
    • Most of these activities depend on consumer power, which WC older people can’t afford and suffer poverty in their later life.  
  • Philipson
    • Old age is shaped by personal communities, friends and media are now as important as family   
    • More time watching TV means media is a large factor now  
    • Unpaid work and a wider contribution to society is important for self-image and identity 
  • Berry - Digital divide
    • Only 8% of over 55s has social media  
    • ¼ of over 60’s has online shopped   
    • 4 factors (DISC) = Disability, lack of Interest, lack of Skills, Cost
  • Gannon
    • Elderly women are doubly disadvantaged as their economic status declines when they retire from work and they lose the status given to attractive women  
  • Moore
    • Tried to reduce loneliness in the elderly through weekly befriending phone calls from volunteers
    • Most of the sample remained lonely, some reported an increase in loneliness.
  • Cult of the Youth
    • Western society teaches us to celebrate and preserve our youth more than anything else, old age is something to be pitied
    • Thousands of anti-aging products available
    • Media presents the elderly as unattractive and chronically ill.