
Cards (62)

  • Motivation is factors that influence the way an individual behaves.
  • The four theorists are:
    • Taylor
    • Mayo
    • Maslow
    • Herzberg
  • Taylor's theory is Scientific Management.
  • Mayo's theory is Human Relations Management
  • Maslow's theory is Hierarchy of Needs.
  • Herzberg's theory is the Two Factor Theory
  • Benefits of motivated staff:
    1. Lower absenteeism.
    2. Higher labour productivity.
    3. Better workplace relations.
  • Scientific Management was about:
    • Tasks should be broken down into more simpler tasks.
    • Employees should be trained on how to di things most efficiently.
    • There should be supervision of the workers and output produced.
    • Workers should follow strict rules.
  • Two Factor Theory was about:
    • factors affecting satisfaction.
    • Motivator Factors create employee satisfaction, increasing productivity.
    • Hygiene Factors create employee dissatisfaction, decreasing productivity.
    • Also introduced the notion of wanting to and having to (Motivation/movement).
  • Hierarchy of Needs was about:
    • lower levels of hierarchy needs to be met first.
    • hierarchy is split into physical and emotional needs.
    • hierarchy is split into 5 levels.
  • The hierarchy of needs is:
    1. Self actualisation
    2. Esteem needs
    3. social needs
    4. security needs
    5. basic needs
  • Physical needs in the hierarchy are:
    • Basic Needs
    • Security Needs
  • Emotional needs in the hierarchy are:
    • social needs
    • esteem needs
    • self actualisation
  • Human Relations Management theory was about:
    • Hawthorn effect
    • Teamwork being a vital social motivator that increases productivity.
    • Being communicated to increased productivity as workers feel valued.
  • The hawthorn effect is when people change the way they act.
  • Financial Incentives are:
    • Piecework
    • Commission
    • Bonus
    • Profit Share
    • PRP
  • Piecework is employees paid a set amount for each item of work completed.
  • Commission is a form of payment that rewards the employee by giving them a percentage of their sales as a financial reward.
  • Bonus is payment of discretionary lump sum to an employee, based on predetermined criteria.
  • Profit Share is a financial incentive when a proportion of employee's pay varies with the profits of the business.
  • PRP is part of an employee's salary linked to their performance in the job.
  • Advantages of Piecework:
    1. incentive to complete more work and may do more hours to get the job done.
    2. Experience/efficient workers can earn more.
  • Disadvantages of Piecework:
    1. Quality may suffer as workers may cut corners while speeding up.
    2. Slower workers may fall under the national minimum wage.
  • Advantages of Commission:
    1. Motivates employees to sell more.
    2. Employee isn't paid for the time they work, only what they sell.
  • Disadvantages of Commission:
    1. salespeople could earn no money at all.
    2. Not a steady income.
  • Advantages of a bonus:
    1. used as an incentive to increase productivity when needing to meet goals.
    2. used as an appreciation for workers who work hard for a specific amount of time.
  • Disadvantages of a Bonus:
    1. Employees will be taxed on the bonus they recieve.
    2. Cash bonus can be expensive so business may give out gift cards instead.
  • Advantages of Profit Share:
    • brings employees together to work towards common goals, increasing productivity.
    • Increases commitment to organisation.
  • Disadvantages of Profit Share:
    • salaries of the individuals go up equally, losing motivation as workers feel less valued.
    • employee focus may be on the profit rather than quality of customer service.
  • Advantages of PRP:
    • A direct link between the performance of an employee and how much they're paid.
    • easy for business to rank their staff when looking who to promote.
  • Disadvantages of PRP:
    1. causes jealousy and unrest.
    2. those that don't meet target blame line management and become demotivated.
  • Non financial incentives are:
    • Delegation
    • Consultation
    • Empowerment
    • Team working
    • Flexible working
    • Job enrichment
    • Job enlargement
    • Job rotation
  • Delegation is the passing of authority down the hierarchy.
  • Consultation is the process of discussing issues with employees before making decisions.
  • Empowerment is delegation of responsibility to employees, allowing them to use their abilities to have a greater say in decision making.
  • Team-working is where employees are organised into groups and work together in order to meet set objectives.
  • Flexible working is allowing employees to vary their working hours to suit them and fit with other commitments.
  • Job Enrichment is an increase in the level of responsibility that an employee has in order to increase motivation.
  • Job enlargement is the process of increasing the number of responsibilities that an employee has.
  • Job Rotation is is when an employee carries out a number of different tasks and moves between the tasks they're responsible for.