When an Entrepeneur's risk is limited to the amount they have actually invested in their company, nopersonalassetscanbeseized.
An Advantage is that their personal assets cannot be seized.
A disadvantage is there are fees and taxes associated with the business structure.
Unlimited Liability
When an Entrepeneur's risks includes their own personal assets e.g. car.
An advantage is that there are lesstaxes and fees attached to the business.
A disadvantage is that personalassets can be seized.
Sole Trader
A sole trader is a business own and ran by one person.
An advantage of being a sole trader is that they have overallcontrol over the business and as a result keepallprofits made.
A disadvantage of being a sole trader is that they cannotbounceideasoffanyone and as a result they donot meet customerneeds.
Unlimited Liability.
An agreement between two + people who share the management and profits of the business.
An advantage is that the business will always be improving due to more than one opinion being shared.
A disadvantage is that the profits will have to be shared.
Unlimited Liability
. LTD is a private limited company that is registered on GOV website that is owned by share holders that must be close friends/family members who have limited liability.
When one business gives permission to an Entrepeneur to set up a business using its brands name and selling its products.
Someone who is given the right to set up a business in the brands name.
An advantage is loyalcustomers and promised sales as consumers are familiar with the brand.
A disadvantage is nofullcontrol over the business and paying a royaltypayment.