9- TB overview

Cards (9)

  • Inhalation of aerosol droplets containing M. tuberculosis
    1. Deposition in the lungs
    2. One of four possible outcomes:
  • Possible outcomes of M. tuberculosis infection
    • Immediate clearance of the organism (no infection)
    • Primary disease: immediate onset of active disease
    • Latent infection: infected by Tb but infection is contained by the immune system & the patient develops cell-medicated immunity
    • Reactivation disease: onset of active disease many years following a period of latent infection
  • Primary Tb

    Initial infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Primary Tb
    • Mostly asymptomatic; may present as erythema nodosum, pleural effusion, or collapse (if compressed by enlarged LNs)
    • Upper region of lungs
    • Ghon focus: granulomatous lesions: central areas of caseation surrounded by epithelioid & giant Langerhans cells. subpleural lesion
    • Ghon complex: Ghon focus + caseous lesions in mediastinal & cervical LNs
    • The majority heal and calcify à Latent infection. May reactivate in the future.
  • Reactivation Tb
    Only 5-10% of people with primary Tb get active disease in their life, they get it if immunosuppressed
  • Causes of Reactivation Tb
    • HIV co-infection
    • Chemotherapy, steroids, cytotoxins
    • DM, ESKD, lymphoma
    • Malnutrition, aging
  • Active Tb
    • Fever, night sweats, weight loss
    • Cough: dry>> purulent (mucoid purulent or blood stained) >> hemoptysis
    • Apical areas
  • Extrapulmonary Tb sites
    • LNs
    • primary TB can be in GI: ILEOCECAL REGION (like Crohn's)
    • Pleura, GU, spine, kidneys, meninges
    • LNs: firm nontender enlargement, centrally necrotic, overlying skin may be indurated or have sinus tract formation
    • Tuberculous meningitis
    • Choroidal tubercles (yellow/ white raised lesions) in eyes
    • Hepatosplenomegaly (in later stages)
  • Miliary Tb
    • Hematogenous dissemination; characterized by the presence of small, firm 1-2mm white nodules
    • Mostly in lungs, LNs, bones, CNS (detect with MRI), liver/spleen