Energy transfer in & between organisms

Cards (12)

  • Photosynthesis overview
    • thylakoid -> site of light dependent reaction
    • stroma -> site of light independent reaction
    • chlorophyll found of membrane of thylakoids
    structural adaptations: large SA, minimal leaves overlapping, thin
    • upper epidermis & waxy cuticle - thin & transparent
    • palisade mesophyll - has more chloroplasts
    • spongy mesophyll - air spaces for quick diffusion
    • phloem & xylem - transport glucose & water
  • photosynthesis overview
    5 uses of glucose in plants:
    • respiration, protein synthesis, lipid synthesis, storage, cellulose
    3 main stages of photosynthesis:
    1. capturing light energy by chlorophyll
    2. light dependent reaction
    3. formation of ATP, NADP & O2
    4. electron flow created to cause photolysis
    5. light independent reaction
    6. protons used to make sugars & other organic molecules
  • Light dependent reaction pt1
    oxidation = loss of hydrogen/loss of electrons
    reduction = gain of hydrogen/gain of electrons
    Making ATP:
    1. chlorophyll absorbs light energy
    2. electrons become excited & move to higher energy levels & leave chlorophyll - photoionisation
    3. electrons taken up by electron carrier molecule & passed along electron carrier chain via redox reactions
    4. chlorophyll oxidised & electron carrier reduced
    5. transfer chain found in thylakoid membrane
    6. energy lost between each transfer & used to make ATP
  • chemiosmotic theory = mechanism of making ATP
    1. protons (H+) actively transported into thylakoid from stroma via proton pump carrier proteins
    2. energy for active transport comes from ETC
    3. H+ from active transport & photolysis creates an electrochemical gradient of protons across thylakoid membrane
    4. protons can only cross membrane via ATP synthase (stalked granules)
  • Photolysis
    1. H2O splits using light energy via oxygen-evolving complex enzyme
    2. 2H2O -> 4H+ + 4e- + O2
    3. H+ & e- passed out at end of ETC are taken up by co-enzyme, oxidised NADP electron carrier
    4. H+ & e- reduce NADP into reduced NADP (NADPH)
    O2 is waste product & NADPH + ATP used in light independent reaction
  • Light independent reaction - Calvin Cycle
    1. CO2 diffuses into leaf, dissolves in water & diffuses into stroma
    2. in stroma, CO2 fixes with 5C compound, ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) via ribulose biphosphate carboxylase (rubisco) enzyme to form unstable 6C compound
    3. CO2 & RuBP react again to form 2 molecules of 3C glycerate 3-phosphate (GP)
    4. reduced NADP reduces GP by adding H+ into 2 molecules of triose phosphate using ATP
    5. NADP reformed & goes back to LDR to be reduced again
    6. some triose phosphate converted organic substance but most used to reform ribulose biphosphate
  • Factors affecting photosynthesis
    • limiting factor = factor that decreases/limits rate of photosynthesis
    • compensation point = CO2 released during respiration = CO2 taken in for photosynthesis
    • light intensity: proportional increase in rate
    • ↑ photons -> ↑chlorophyll ionised & ↑ ATP + NADP
    • optimal wavelength: PSI - 700nm & PSII - 680nm
    • CO2 concentration: increases until a plateau
    • temp: affects LIR (catalysed by enzymes)but not LDR
    • law of limiting factors: rate fo physiological process will be limited by the factor which is in shortest supply
  • cellular respiration
    aerobic respiration: 6O2 + C6H12O6 -> 6H2O + 6CO2
    1. glycolysis (cytoplasm) = conversion of glucose to pyruvate
    2. link reaction (matrix) = pyruvate is converted to acetyl co-enzyme A
    3. kreb's cycle (matrix) = cycle of redox reactions that yield ATP & reduced NAD & FAD
    4. oxidative phosphorylation (cristae) = electron transfer chain using reduced NAD and FAD to form ATP and H2O
  • Glycolysis
    1. phosphorylating glucose using ATP to make it more reactive by lowering its activation energy
    2. 2 molecules of triose phosphate made
    3. oxidation of triose phosphate to produce pyruvate
    4. net gain of ATP & reduced NAD
    5. 2ATP + NADH made per molecule of pyruvate formed
  • Link reaction
    pyruvate + oxidised NAD + CoA -> Acetyl CoA + reduced NAD + CO2
    pyruvate actively transported into mitochondrial matrix
    reaction occurs twice
    1. pyruvate decarboxylated & dehydrogenated
    2. produces acetate
    3. Coenzyme A combines with acetate to form acetyl coenzyme A
    4. acetyl coenzyme A enters Kreb's cycle
  • Kreb's cycle
    • net production per cycle: 3NAD, 1 reduced FAD, 1 ATP, 2CO2
    • Net production per glucose molecule: everything x 2
    A) decarboxylated & dehydrogenated
    B) oxoloacetate remade via substrate-level phosphorylation
    C) CoA combines with oxoloacetate to form citrate
    D) 2C -> 4C -> 6C
    E) 6C -> 5C -> 4C
  • oxidative phosphorylation
    1. NAD & FADH2 oxidised
    2. H atoms donate e- to ETC
    3. ETC's lost energy for active transport of H+ across intermediate membrane
    4. electrochemical gradient formed
    5. H+ diffuses through ATP synthase (faciliated diffusion) which catalyses formation of ATP
    6. e- picked up at end of ETC by 1/2O2 & H+ to make water
    7. final e- acceptor