Biological Molecules

Cards (63)

  • Defining monomer & polymer
    monomer = smaller units which form larger molecules
    polymer = chain of monomers joined together
  • Ionic, covalent & hydrogen bonding
    ionic bonding = bonding between atoms via electrostatic attraction caused by the loss or gain of an electron
    - are weaker than covalent bonds
    covalent bonding = atoms share pairs of electrons on their outer shell & form molecules
    hydrogen bonding = the uneven distribution of electrons in an atom causing electrostatic attraction between itself & the nucleus of another atom
  • Condensation & Hydrolysis reactions
    Condensation reaction = when 2 molecules join through the formation of a chemical bond and involves the elimination of a molecule of water

    Hydrolysis = breaking down of a bond between 2 molecules and involves the use of a water molecule
  • Carbohydrate basics
    • monomer = monosaccharide
    • general formula = (CH2O)n
    • no. of carbons = no. of oxygens
    • white crystalline solids
    • if n = 5 -> pentose (ribose)
    • if n = 6 -> hexose (glucose, galactose, fructose)
  • Alpha glucose
    isomer = versions of a molecule with same chemical formula but different structural formula
    A) H
    B) H
    C) OH
    D) OH
    E) H
    F) OH
    G) H
    H) H
    I) OH
    J) O
    K) CH2OH
  • Beta glucose
    A) H
    B) OH
    C) OH
    D) H
    E) H
    F) OH
    G) H
    H) H
    I) OH
    J) CH2OH
    K) CH2OH
  • Disaccharides
    • monosaccharides bond via glycosidic bonds
    • disaccharide = 2 monosaccharides bonded
    • glucose + glucose -> maltose + water
    • glucose + fructose -> sucrose + water
    • glucose + galactose -> lactose + water
  • Forming glycosidic bonds
    A) OH
    B) HO
    C) H2O
    D) O
  • polysaccharide
    polymer made of monosaccharides via glycosidic bonds forming via condesation reactions
  • Starch (function = energy storage)
    • only found in plants
    • made from alpha glucose monomers
    • made of 2 polysaccharides
    - amylopectin (1-6 bonds & branched)
    - amylose (1-4 bonds & coiled)
    • helical structure -> compact -> can store more in small space
    • insoluble -> doesn't affect water potential
    • large -> can't diffuse out of cell
    • branched -> easily hydrolysed & release glucose quickly
  • Glycogen (function = energy storage)
    • found in animal & bacterial cells
    • similar structure to starch except more highly branched & short chains
    - animals have higher metabolic & respiratory rate
    • made of alpha glucose monomers
    • found as small granules in muscles & liver (fat is main storage in animals)
    • large, insoluble, compact
  • Cellulose (function = structural support)
    • made of beta glucose monomers
    • monomer flipped 180° each time so glycosidic bond can form
    • straight, unbranched chains parallel to each other
    - hydrogen bonds form between adjacent chains
    - rows form microfibrils & increase overall strength
  • Biochemical tests for carbohydrates
    Test for starch
    • Add iodine solution: if present -> turns black/blue
    Test for reducing sugars:
    • Add Benedict's solution & heat: if present -> forms brick red precipitate
    • colour dependent on concentration of sugar in sample
    • can also filter & weigh precipitate to find concentration
    Test for non-reducing sugars (needs to be hydrolysed first):
    • Add HCl & heat gently using water bath
    • Neutralise with sodium hydrogen carbonate
    • Use reducing sugars test
  • Lipid basics
    • Contain O, H & C
    • Proportion of O to C&H is smaller than in carbohydrates
    • Insoluble in water
    • Soluble in organic solvent
    • fats solid at room temp but oils liquid at room temp
  • Roles of lipids
    • energy source -> provides twice the amount of energy as carbohydrate of the same mass
    • waterproofing -> plants & insects have waxy lipid layer to conserve water
    • insulation -> help retain body heat under skin as lipids are slow conductors of heat
    - also electrical insulators & create myelin sheath around nerves
    • protection of delicate organs
    • cell membranes -> allow flexibility & diffusion of lipid-soluble substances
  • Triglycerides
    • lipid formed from 3 fatty acids bonded to 1 glycerol molecule
    • fatty acids form ester bonds to glycerol via condensation react.
    • fatty acids have long, hydrophobic hydrocarbon chain
    - saturated chain = no C=C
    - unsaturated chain = 1 or more C=C
  • Formation of a triglyceride
    A) H OH
    B) O-C=O
    C) ester linkage
    D) glycerol
    E) 3 fatty acids
    F) 3 H2O
    G) hydrocarbon chain
  • Properties of triglycerides related to structure
    • long hydrocarbon tail -> large chemical energy store
    • insoluble in water -> doesn't affect water potential
    • low mass: energy -> don't have to carry as much mass
    • releases water when oxidised
  • Phospholipids
    • lipid formed from 2 fatty acids & 1 phosphate molecule bonded to 1 glycerol
    • phosphate replaces 1 fatty acid
    • phosphate is hydrophilic
    - hydrophilic phosphate head -> interacts with water not fat
    - hydrophobic hydrocarbon tail -> interacts with fat not water
    - overall a polar molecule
  • Properties of phospholipids related to structure
    • Forms bilayer in cell membrane
    - bilayer = layer 2 molecules thick where hydrophobic end faces inwards & hydrophilic head faces outwards
    • can form glycolipids -> combine in cell-surface membrane & important for cell recognition
  • Biochemical test for lipids
    1. Add 5cm^3 of ethanol to 2cm^3 sample
    2. Shake tube thoroughly
    3. Add solution to water
    - if present -> milky emulsion appears (light refraction between oil & water makes it appear cloudy)
    - more milky -> more cloudy
  • General structure of an amino acid
    • 20 essential amino acids
    - all have different R groups
    A) H2N
    B) Amine group
    C) COOH
    D) Carboxyl group
    E) R
    F) R group
  • Dipeptides & Polypeptides
    • dipeptide = 2 amino acids joined by a peptide bond formed via a condensation reaction
    • polypeptide = polymer of amino acids bonded together
    - properties of poly/dipeptide depend on atoms in R group
    A) OH H
    B) O=C-N-H
    C) peptide bond
    D) H2O
    E) amine group
    F) carboxyl group
  • Primary structure of a protein
    • sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain
    - determines structure/shape of protein -> thus function
    • change in amino acid -> change in structure -> change in/can't function
  • Secondary structure of a protein
    • local structures in polypeptide formed by hydrogen bonds
    - NH2 = +ve charge & COOH = -ve charge (dipole formed)
    • alpha helix -> polypeptide coils
    • beta pleat -> polypeptide folds
    - 2 or more polypeptides run antiparallel to form H bonds & fold
  • Tertiary structure of a protein
    • overall 3D structure of a polypeptide formed from ionic, disulphide, (covalent), or hydrogen bonds between R groups
    - disulphide bridge/bonds = type of covalent bond formed between 2 sulfur molecules

    all proteins have up to a tertiary structure
  • Quaternary structure of a protein
    • the way in which more than 1 polypeptide chain comes together to form a final protein structure
    • formed via covalent, hydrogen or ionic bonds
    • 2 polypeptide chains = dimer, 3 = trimer, 4 = tetramer etc.
    • homomer = made from same polypeptide chains
    • heteromer = made from different polypeptide chains
    • if only 1 polypeptide chain -> no quaternary structure
  • Enzymes
    • biological catalysts that speed up the rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy required by creating an alternate reaction pathway
    • are globular (spherical) proteins
    • tertiary structure forms the shape of the active site
    - enzymes are specific -> active site is complementary to their own specific substrate
    - substrate = reactants activated by enzyme
  • Induced fit hypothesis
    1. Substrate binds to enzyme & induces conformational change in enzyme's active site
    2. Active site then molds to exact shape of substrate & forms an enzyme-substrate complex
    3. Bonds of substrate manipulated to make reaction easier lowering activation energy
    enzymes then return to original shape
    denaturing of enzyme = disulphide, ionic & hydrogen bonds in tertiary structure break
  • Fibrous proteins
    • very long, strong & insoluble proteins which often have a structural role in organisms
    • tertiary & quaternary structure of protein has repeating sequences
    • have non-polar R groups -> making them insoluble
    • form fibres -> make protein stronger
  • Collagen
    • forms tendons -> allow skeleton to move
    • found in artery walls to prevent vessels bursting from high pressure
    • made of 3 polypeptides -> quaternary structure
    • have very strong fibres
  • Keratin
    • used for hard body parts e.g. nails, hooves, horns
    • primary structure uses cysteine -> disulphide bridges
    • has a quaternary structure
  • Elastin
    • can stretch & recoil -> elastin molecules coil & form cross-links to keep molecules together
    • found in lungs to allow inflation & deflation during ventilation
    • found in blood vessels to maintain blood pressure by stretching & recoiling
    • found in bladder to help it expand
  • Biochemical test for proteins
    Add Buiret's reagent to sample
    • if present -> blue to purple
  • Factors affecting enzymes: temperature
    • increase temp -> increase kinetic energy of reactants -> increase chance of successful collisions
    • High temp breaks H bonds & disrupts tertiary structure of enzyme -> active site changes permanently
    • Optimal temp is around 40°C but body temp is at 37°C
    - requires more energy
  • Factors affecting enzymes: pH
    • changes to pH -> alters charges on amino acids making active site -> change to active site
    • Significant change to pH -> breaks bonds in tertiary structure
  • Factors affecting enzymes: Enzyme concentration
    • increase enzyme conc. with constant amount of substrate -> proportional increase
    • Will eventually plateau as there is more enzyme than needed
    - enzyme conc. is no longer the limiting factor -> substrate concentration is
  • Factors affecting enzymes: substrate concentration
    • increase conc. of substrate with constant amount of enzymes -> proportional increase
    • Will also plateau as there won't be enough enzymes for all of the substrate
    • substrate concentration is no longer the limiting factor -> enzyme conc. is
  • Competitive inhibition
    • competes with substrate to bind to active site
    • has similar shape to substrate -> complementary to active site
    • will bind to active site instead of substrate & prevent enzyme-substrate complexes from forming
  • Non-competitive inhibition
    • binds to another part of the enzyme NOT THE ACTIVE SITE (called the binding site instead)
    • causes tertiary structure to change -> changing shape of active site
    • prevents formation of enzyme-substrate complexes