Nervous System Anatomy

Cards (171)

  • Central Nervous System (CNS)
    brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

    Spinal and cranial nerves
  • Cranial nerves

    - branch off the brain or brain stem
    - 12 pairs
    - Designated by name/roman numeral
    - carry sensory/afferent - or motor /efferent
    - or both (mixed nerve)
  • I Olfactory
    (S) sense of smell
  • II Optic
    (S) vision
  • III Oculomotor
    (M) - controls 4 of the 6 muscles of eye movement
    - pupils and lens
  • IV Trochlear
    (M) - controls 1 of the 6 muscles of eye movement
  • V Trigeminal
    - s - skin of face
    - m - muscles of mastication
  • VI Abducens
    (M) controls 1 of the 6 muscles of eye movement
  • VII Facial
    - s - taste from anterior 2/3 of the tongue
    - m - muscles of facial expression
  • VIII Vestibulocochlear
    (S) sense of hearing and equilibrium (balance)
  • IX Glossopharyngeal
    - s - taste of posterior 1/3 of tongue
    - m- muscles of swallowing and salivary glands
  • X Vagus
    - s - taste from posterior throat, sensory from esophagus
    - m - visceral organs
  • XI (spinal) accessory
    (M) Trapezius, SCM
  • XII Hypoglossal
    (M) muscles of tongue
  • Spinal Cord
    - a bundle of nerve tissue
    - base of the brain to about L2
    - Travels within vertebral canal
    - 2 way connection between brain and spinal nerves
    - Has 3 structures protecting it
  • 3 structures protecting spinal cord
    - bone
    - meninges
    - cerebro-spinal fluid
  • Bone
    In form of vertebral column
  • Meninges
    - connective tissue - 3 layers
    - outermost layer - dura mater(string mother)
    - middle layer - arachnoid mater(cobweb like)
    - inner layer - pia mater(gentle mother) - directly on cord surface
  • CSF
    cerebrospinal fluid
    - between arachnoid and pia
    - deep to arachnoid (subarachnoid space)
    - ventricles of the brain makes csf
  • All structures
    Also surround the brain in form of skull
  • Spinal segment
    - each segment gives off a pair of spinal nerves
    - nerve roots extend away from spinal nerves
  • Nerve roots
    - exist below each vertebra
    - 7 cirvical
    - 12 thoracic
    - 5 lumbar
    - 5 sacral
    - 1 coccygeal
    In total 31
  • Conus medullaris
    Inferior end of spinal cord at about L2
  • Cauda Equina
    "horse's tail"
    - collection of nerve roots that extend below L2
  • Filum Termínale
    Extension of pia mater that anchors spinal cord to coccyx
  • Cervical and lumbar(limbo-sacral) enlargements
    Increases number of neurons to supply appendages
  • Inside of spinal cored is made up of
    White and grey matter
  • Grey matter forms-
    "H" of spinal cord
  • Posterior horns

    Cell bodies of sensory neurons
  • Anterior horns
    Motor neurons
  • Lateral horns
    Only T1-L2
    - autonomic motor neuron cell bodies
  • Central canal
    Down the center of the cord- carries CSF
  • White matter..
    Surrounds grey matter
    - myelinated axons
    - organized into columns or tracts
    - carry descending (motor/efferent) or ascending (sensory/afferent) info
  • Reflex
    automatic, rapid response to an "emergency" situation
  • Reflex Pathway
    - receptor
    - sensory neuron
    - CNS(interneurons maybe)
    - motor neuron
    - effector - usually a muscle but can be gland or organ
  • Brain
    - same covering as spinal cord
    - bone(skull), meninges, CSF
    - 100 billion neurons
    - cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem
  • Cerebrum
    2 halves (cerebral hemisphere)
  • Cerebellum
    - "little brain"
    - 2 halves (cerebellar hemisphere)
  • Brainstem
    3 parts (midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata)