Cards (35)

  • Electrophoresis
    is the movement of molecules by an
    electric current
  • electric current
    Under an __, DNA and RNA will migrate toward the positive pole (anode
  • Gel Matrix
    used to limit migration and contain the migrating material
  • Arne Tiselius
    developed an electrophoresis appaatus while studying resolution diffusion and adsorption of proteins in naturally occurring porous silicate particles
  • Oliver Smithies
    later found that if he heated about 15 grams of starch in 100 mL of his electrophoretic medium and allowed it to cool, he could make a gel matrix with resolving properties similar to a paper electrophoresis method he had previously devised
  • Smithies and Poulik
    described the resolution of 20 serum protein comonents using a two-dimensional electrophoresis system with paper in one dimension and starch in the other
  • Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis
    For these very large DNA molecules, pulses of current applied to the gel in alternating dimensions enhance migration
  • field-inversion-Gel-Electrophoresis
    simplest approach to this method (PEGE) is
  • PFGE-instruments, switch-interval
    __ will then apply current in alternating directions at specifi c times (called the __ ) that are set by the operator
  • polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis-PAGE)

    Very small DNA fragments, single-stranded DNA, RNA,
    and proteins are best resolved on polyacrylamide gels in __
  • Polyacrylamide Gels
    allows precise control of the polymer properties and higher resolution than can be achieved with agarose
  • polyacrylamide gels
    With single-base resolution, __ are used for nucleic acid sequencing, mutation analyses, nuclease protection assays, and other applications requiring high resolution of nucleic acids
  • Preformed gels
    __ are the most convenient because the procedure for preparation of acrylamide gels is more diffi cult than that for agarose gels
  • agents ammonium persulfate (APS) plus N,N,N ′ ,N ′ -tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)

    catalysts of polyacrylamide gels
    separation of organic chemicals such as pharmaceuticals and carbohydrates
  • capillary electrophoresis
    For these applications, __ has the advantages of faster analytical runs and lower cost per run than other separation methods, also used for the separation and anal sis of nucleic acids
  • Fused silica
    Fused silica is used as the capillary tube because it is the most transparent material allowing for the passage of fluorescent light
  • polyimide coating
    The fused silica is covered with a __ for protection, except for an uncoated window where laser light excites the fl uorescent mol cules attached to the fragments as they pass a detec ion device
  • Fluorescent labels
    are covalently attached to nucleic acids to be separated by capillary electrophoresis
  • formamide
    denatured nucleic acid in buffer containing __ are introduced to the capillary, which is held at a dena uring temperature, usually 50°C to 60°C
  • buffer system
    The purpose of a __ is to carry the current
    and protect the samples during electrophoresis
  • Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

    The amount the pH of a buffer will differ from the pKa is expressed as the
  • Buffer additives

    modify sample molecules in ways that
    affect their migration
  • pH drift
    decrease of pH at the cathode [-] and an increase of the pH at the anode [+])
  • horizontal or vertical
    Gel electrophoresis is performed in one of two confor
    ations, __ or __
  • submarine gels
    hori ontal gels are sometimes referred to as__
  • tracking dye
    Prior to loading the sample containing isolated nucleic
    acid onto a gel, __ and a density agent are added to the sample
  • density agent
    the __ (Ficoll, sucrose, or glycerol) increases the density of the sample as com
    ared with the electrophoresis buffer
  • bright-blue/ royal-blue
    color of xylene cyanol
  • Ethidium bromide (3,8-diamino-5-ethyl-6-phenylphenan hridinium bromide [EtBr

    _ is one of these agents and was the most widely used dye in early DNA and RNA analyses
  • DNA, DNA or RNA
    SYBR green I used for __ staining; SYBR green II, for single-stranded __ stain ng; and SYBR gold
  • SYBR green
    __ is the preferred dye for real-time PCR methods
  • silver stain
    Another sensitive staining system originally developed
    for protein visualization is __
  • silver diamine, silver nitrate
    Of the two procedures, __ is best for thick gels, whereas _ is considered to be more stable
    most commonly used for buffer electrophoresis