Organisational design

Cards (20)

  • Hierarchy is levels of the workforce within an organisation
  • Chain of command is the route of communication as it travels down te levels of hierarchy.
  • Span of control is the number of subordinates that a manager is in direct control of
  • Tall structure is a business that has many levels in its hierrachy
  • Flast structure is a business that has few levels in its hierarchy
  • Matrix structure is where teams are put together from different functional areas to work on specific projects
  • Centralised is a HR strategy where one responsibility for decision making is maintained by a limited number of management on top of the hierarchy.
  • Decentralised is a HR strategy where the responsibility for decision making is delegated to a number of middle managers throughout the hierarchy.
  • Features of a Tall Structure:
    1. autocratic as its one way communication
    2. chain of command is long
    3. span of control is narrow
    4. centralised
    5. close supervision (lack of trust)
    6. Hard HR
  • Features of a Flat Structure:
    • Democratic/laissez-faire
    • chain of command is short
    • span of control is wider
    • decentralised
    • no close supervision (more trust)
  • Advantages of a Tall Structure:
    1. small span of control means supervisors get to know their subordinates well.
    2. more opportunities in tall structures.
  • Disadvantages of Tall Structure:
    1. lots of layers can mean business is very inflexible.
    2. communication within organisations are slow.
  • Advantages of Flat Structure:
    1. Fewer layers are hierarchy means communication is fast.
    2. lots of delegation means staff are given greater responsibility.
  • Disadvantages of Flat Structure:
    1. Staff can become overworked as there is less supervision causing more stress.
    2. Can create power struggle if manager is rarely around
  • Advantages of Matrix Structure:
    1. Perfect to exploit specific skills of staff
    2. Ideal for a business that works on a project by project basis
  • Disadvantages of Matrix Structure:
    1. Employees can have conflicts of interest across projects
    2. Staff can become stretched across projects, not focusing on their own
  • Advantages of Centralised:
    1. Clear chain of command for executing decisions quickly
    2. Improves quality of work due to supervision
  • Disadvantages of Centralised:
    1. Delays in work as dependant on flow of information
    2. Lack of employee loyalty due to rigidity of the work
  • Advantages of Decentralised Structure:
    • Quick decision making
    • empowering employees give them a sense of importance
  • Disadvantages of Decentralised:
    1. can be unhealthy competition and conflict
    2. lack of strong leadership