CF Management

Cards (4)

  • Airway Clearance:
    • Daily airway clearance regimen for life
    • Start as soon as diagnosed even if asymptomatic
    • Teach airway clearance techniques to parents
    • No head-down tilt for infants/young children
    • Once child is approx 7 years of age should be able to do own airway clearance with supervision
    • Adherence may be a problem with adolescent patients
  • Airway Clearance methods:
    • percussion
    • gravity assisted positioning
  • Timing of physiotherapy and inhaled medication:
    1. DNase – why pre-physiotherapy? - it breaks down sputum, making it more runny
    2. Inhaled bronchodilator – why pre-physiotherapy? - makes airways more dilated which allows sputum to come out more easily
    3. Hypertonic saline/mannitol – why pre-physiotherapy? - draws water into airways, which facilitates airway clearance
    4. Physiotherapy treatment
    5. Inhaled steroid – why post-physiotherapy? - can reach further into lungs after airway clearance physio
    6. Inhaled antibiotic – why post-physiotherapy? - can reach further into lungs after airway clearance physio
  • Exercise:
    • Encourage regular exercise as well as airway clearance
    • No group exercise sessions (infection control)