Responsibilities of cardiovascular system: Pumping blood to the body tissues and cells, Supplying oxygen and nutrients to tissues and cells, Removing carbon dioxide and other waste products of metabolism from tissues and cells
Heart Anatomy
Approximately the size of your fist, Location: Superior surface of diaphragm, Left of the midline, Anterior to the vertebral column, posterior to the sternum
Coverings of the Heart: Anatomy
Pericardium - a double-walled sac around the heart
Function of the Pericardium
Protects and anchors the heart, Prevents overfilling of the heart with blood, Allows for the heart to work in a relatively friction-free environment
Pericardial Layers of the Heart
Center of the circulatory system, Enclosed by pericardium, Three layers of the heart: Epicardium, Myocardium, Endocardium
Heart Chambers
Right atrium and left atrium (Upper chambers, Receiving chambers)
Right ventricle and left ventricle (Lower chambers, Pumping chambers)
Heart Partitions
Interatrial septum (Separates right and left sides of atria)
Interventricular septum (Separates right and left sides of ventricles)
Heart Valves
Tricuspidvalve (Controls blood flow between the right atrium and ventricle)
Mitralvalve (Controls blood movement between the left atrium and ventricle)
Pulmonaryvalve (Controls blood movement from right ventricle into pulmonary artery)
Aorticvalve (Controls blood flow from the left ventricle to the aorta)
Carry blood away from the heart
Carry blood toward the heart
Muscular elastic walls, Form arterioles which form capillaries, Carry blood and oxygen to the body cells
Coronary Arteries
Supply blood to the heart muscle, The heart needs a large amount of blood and 5-7% of blood flows through the coronary arteries