Inserting A Nasogastric Tube
2. Introduce self to the mother and verify the client's identity
3. Loosely swaddle the infant using a mummy restraint
4. Wash hands and wear gloves observe other appropriate infection control procedures
5. Position clients in high Fowler's position and put towel to drape the chest
7. Assess the client's nares. Select nostril through which air passes easily
9. Measure the space from the bridge of the infants' nose to the earlobe then to a point halfway between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus using a #8 or #10 feeding tube
10. Mark the tube at the measured point with a small clamp or piece of tape. Lubricate the tip of the catheter with water
11. Pass the catheter with gentle pressure to the point of the clamp or tape
12. Assess the catheter for position (confirm that it is not in the trachea) before administering a feeding
13. Aspirate the stomach contents to assess amount
14. If the tube is to be left in place, tape it below the nose and to the cheek
15. After being certain that the catheter is in the stomach, attached a syringed or a special feeding funnel to the tube. Elevate the infants head and chest slightly
16. Add the specific kind and amount of feeding prescribed to the syringe or funnel and allow it to flow by gravity into the infant's stomach
17. Offer a pacifier (non-nutrient sucking) during the feeding if the infant appears to enjoy this
18. When the feeding has passed through the tube, re-clamp the tube securely
19. If the tube is to remain in place, flush it with 1-5ml of clear water and cap it
20. Burped the baby after an enteral feeding the same as you would after bottle or breastfeeding
21. Un swaddle and place the infant on the right side with the head slightly elevated or hold and rock the infant in this position
22. Assess the infant appears comfortable. If a parent observed the procedure, answer any questions or concern
23. Wash hands and remove gloves