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  • Motif - most basic unit or the smallest unit of pattern.
  • Motif - most basic unit with the help of which a design or a composition is made.
  • Motif - repeated in different ways to create patterns and these patterns are repeated to create a design
  • Motif - often inspired from nature and are also closely linked to natural, cultural, religious and socio economic factors prevailing in any society.
  • GEOMETRIC MOTIF - These motifs include lines in various forms, such as vertical, horizontal, diagonal and curved
  • GEOMETRIC MOTIF - Theyformfabricdesigns, such as stripes
  • REALISTIC OR NATURAL MOTIFS - They portray as direct replicaof thingsas they exist innature, such as flowersontrees,animals in jungle, human figure andothernaturalthings.
  • STYLIZED MOTIFS - Theseare simplified variations ofnaturalorman-madeobjects thatarenolongerrecognizable.
  • STYLIZED MOTIFS - These motifs are full of creativity,astheyaretheresult ofadesigner’sinterpretationof naturally existing things. Obtainedbyrearranging
  • ABSTRACT MOTIFS - These are combinations of color,size,andshapewithout relationshiptonaturalorman madeobjects.
  • ABSTRACT MOTIFS - impliesanelementof impression and a greater freedomthanisfoundinmost geometricdesigns.
  • ABSTRACT MOTIFS - This type of design is used in modern art.
  • Ethnic Art - This means native or indigenous Philippine design. This kind of art is influenced by our Southeast-Asian neighbors.
  • Ethnic Art - has curvilinear and linear patterns or designs.
  • made by the hands of the common people where the materials are crafted together that the process itself is also an art form.
  • Folk Art - The quality and style of this products reflect the way of life of the makers.
  • Sanskrit(India) in origin. - The Naga design is said to be
  • The Serpent Demon of Naga - This art has a counterpart in Indonesia as dragons or mythical serpents.
  • The Serpent Demon of Naga - The form of an elaborate mythical serpent with a vigorous S-curve and numerous curvilinear motifs to suggest its scales.
  • Sarimanok - A cultural symbol of Mindanao, and is highly regarded throughout the country
  • Sarimanok - It isdepictedas a fowl withcolorful wingsand featheredtail,holdingafishonitsbeakortalons.It issaidtobeasymbolofgoodfortune
  • Tattoo Art - a symbol of rank, and is believed to have magical properties.
  • Prince Giolo - a tattooed tribal man was purchased as a slave in Mindanao
  • Apo Whang-Od - from Kalinga proves that the art of Filipino tattoos remains steadfast against the modernized age
  • pottery ManunggulJar - This largeburial jar, featurestwo men rowing aboat, suggesting thebeliefof the earlyFilipinos in an after life that one reaches after crossing amythical body of water.
  • WoodCarving - often found in pairs to signify the value of fertility.
  • Bulul - The Cordillera group scarveani to figures
  • IMPROVISATION - act of creating something spontaneously without preparation.
  • IMPROVISATION - associated with creativity and the ability to add value in a fast moving situation.
  • Contact Improvisation - improvised dance form is based on the Communicationbetweentwomovingbodies that are in physical contact and their combined relationshipt
  • Improvisation in Theatre - The playing of dramatic scenes without written dialogue and with minimal or no predetermined dramatic activity.
  • Music Improvisation - The act of creating and playing new music without preparing it in advance.
  • dell’arte - theatrical form known as
  • Soul and Space - The art that brings people in spaces where they live, work, and others.
  • Torogan - which literally translates as "a place for sleeping
  • Torogan - house of elite members of the Maranao tribe
  • Torogan - As the house of the datu or sultan, it is a symbol of status and leadership
  • panolong sa torogan - carved beam
  • fale - one-roomhouse of commonly known to them
  • Bale - The Ifugao houses usually similar in architectural designs but they differ in decorativedetailsdependingonthetribes.