features of a report

Cards (14)

  • name the 8 sections in a report?
    1. title
    2. abstract
    3. introduction
    4. method
    5. results
    6. discussion
    7. reference
    8. appendix
  • explain title?
    should be clear, relevant & fully informative
  • explain abstract?
    provides short summary of study to establish of full report is worth reading
    includes iv & dv
    one paragraph only
    is the last section you write
  • explain introduction?
    provides background information on theories & studies relvant to the investigation
    contextualises the present research
    shows where the aim & hypothesis is derived from
  • explain method?
    should be concise but giving enough detail to make replication possible
    1. discussion
    2. participants
    3. materials
    4. procedure
  • explain the design of a method?
    state the research method used
    state experimental design used
    identify variables & ethical considerations
  • explain the participants of a method?
    target population
    sampling method used
    actual sample - number of participants used
    how participants were allocated to conditions
  • explain materials of a method?
    describe the stimulus material & any other apparatus
    can be a list
  • explain the procedure of a method?
    describe step by step what participants will do
    needs to be precise so replication is possible
    include standardised instructions & debrief
  • explain results?
    table - must have a title & columns/rows labelled correctly
    graph - suitable one depending on the data, title, labelled, relative scale
    descriptive stats - measure on central tendency/dispersion & comment on its meaning
  • explain discussion?
    explain findings - link to hypothesis
    implication - what the research can help us to understand in real world
    application - what we could do in real world as a result
  • explain reference?
    all the cited evidence in the report should be included in an alphabetical list
    surname,intial.year.title of book underlined/italics.place of publication:name of publisher
  • explain appendix?
    includes any additional information such as statistical calculations, raw data, copy of materials, consent form
    each appendix should have a full title
    should be referred to somewhere in the main body of report
  • what is peer review?
    process by which psychlogical research papers before publication are subjected to independent scrutiny (close inspection) by others working in a similal fiels who consider research in terms of its validity, significance & originality