Human Activities That Affect The Natural Resources

Cards (26)

  • Use of Plastic
    The chemicals present in the plastics are released in the waters. Wildlife is most affected.
  • Emission of Carbon Dioxide and other Greenhouse Gases
    The impacts of this emission are felt by people globally. The burning of fossil fuels increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and leads to depletion of atmosphere and fuel sources.
  • Overhunting and overfishing
    Overhunting and overfishing have caused a reduction in the diversity of plant and animal species on earth. Animals are often hunted for their valuable skins, plumage, horns, and meat.
  • Logging
    Logging is the process of cutting, processing, and moving trees to a location for transport. Trees are being cut down for timber to make furniture and paper and paper products.
  • Use of Chemical Fertilizers
    The injection of vast amounts of phosphorous and nitrogen nutrients into natural soils. Nitrates and phosphates accumulate and cause eutrophication to freshwater.
  • Animals are often hunted for their valuable skins, plumage, horns, and meat.
  • These human activities do not give chance for the organisms to grow and develop. These may also inhibit the opportunity to reproduce and be replenished in natural way.
  • Trees are being cut down for timber to make furniture and paper and paper products.
  • Some of the logging practices may result to deforestation and increases the possibility for flooding due to soil erosion
  • Some living organisms lose their habitats and migrate to other areas

    Affecting the balance of local populations
  • Use of Chemical Fertilizers
    The injection of vast amounts of phosphorous and nitrogen nutrients into natural soils, land, and water systems
  • The use of too much chemical fertilizers may destroy the quality of soil.
  • The toxicity of chemicals brought by using chemical fertilizers may harm the lives of both humans and other living organisms.
  • Water Pollution
    Nitrates from organic fertilizers, phosphates from detergents, organic wastes and solid wastes are the main pollutants of freshwater
  • Nitrates and phosphates accumulate and cause eutrophication.
  • Eutrophication decreases the amount of oxygen present in the water.
  • Marine waters are usually polluted by oil spills from oil rigs from ships during transfer across the sea. The oil can be harmful to plant and animal life in the waters.
  • Mining
    1. Taking an economically useful material from the ground
    2. Substances that are mined include ores, coal, evaporites, and precious stones and metals
  • Quarrying
    1. The cutting or digging of stone, and related materials, from an excavation site or pit
    2. Usually leaves behind a large hole in the ground
  • As the human population grows, there is a greater demand for minerals. These human activities may impact to our environment for a loss of natural landscape and biodiversity.
  • Human activities that affect natural resources
    • Overfishing
    • Use of chemical fertilizers
    • Logging
    • Mining and quarrying
    • Use of plastics
  • How do human activities affect the natural resources?
  • Effects of human activities on natural resources
    • Destruction of natural landscape and biodiversity
    • Pollution of water and soil
    • Deforestation and soil erosion
    • Loss of habitats for living organisms
    • Harm to plant and animal life
  • Why is it important to know effects of human activities on natural resources?
  • Human activities on natural resources
    • Burning of fossil fuels
    • Logging
    • Mining and quarrying
    • Overhunting and overfishing
    • Use of plastics
  • As a student, how will you minimize the effects of human activities on natural resources?