Ways to Reduce the Effects of Human Activities

Cards (38)

  • Natural Resources
    Resources that are found freely in nature
  • If there were lots of garbage in the lakes and oceans
    Conduct a clean-up drive
  • Ways in reducing the effect of human activities on natural resources
    Conserve water
  • Saving energy and electricity
    Replace all your old appliances with better and efficient ones
  • Human activity has a major effect on our environment and the ecosystem and the planet as a whole have changed dramatically as a result of efforts to support the growing population.
  • The humanity is more than ever threatened by its own action because the natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate, while the human activity is considered the number one cause of the global climate change which is the greatest challenge the human race has ever faced in history.
  • The industrialization is turning our planet into a sudden destruction and we are using natural resources carelessly without paying heed to the fact that they are non-renewable.
  • Natural resources
    Resources which can be found freely in nature and are useful for living organisms without the help of humans
  • Ways to conserve natural resources
    1. Conserve water
    2. Save energy
    3. Reduce, reuse, recycle
    4. Plant more trees
    5. Avoid using single-use plastics
  • Conserve water
    Do not let water flow while brushing teeth or washing utensils, use buckets instead of showers or take short showers, use ample water and do not over water your garden
  • Save energy
    Walk more or ride a bicycle instead of using a motorbike or car, use public transportation rather than driving a car alone, turn off lights and appliances when not in use
  • Ways to conserve natural resources
    1. Conserve water
    2. Save energy
    3. Reuse, reduce and recycle
  • Conserve water
    • Do not let water flow while brushing teeth or washing utensils
    • Use buckets instead of showers or take short showers
    • Use ample water for watering plants and do not over water
  • Save energy
    • Walk or ride a bicycle instead of using a motorbike or car
    • Use public transportation rather than driving a car alone
    • Turn off lights and fans when not in use
    • Replace old appliances with better and efficient ones
  • Reuse, reduce and recycle
    • Switch to cloth bags and reuse them instead of plastic bags
    • Recycle plastic products to reduce plastic usage
  • Conservation is using and managing the Earth's resources sustainably
  • Preservation means maintaining the present state or conditions of areas, which so far undisturbed by human activities
  • Renewable resources

    • Replaced at the time and within the natural cycles and process of nature
  • Possible ways humans can help protect the atmosphere and minimize pollution
    • Conserve water
    • Save energy
    • Reuse, reduce and recycle
    • Plant more trees
    • Reduce use of chemicals
  • After you learn something, do something!
  • What is that SOMETHING that you will do in saving Mother Earth?
  • Biking or walking instead of driving to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
  • Use less energy at home by saving electricity
  • Use aerosol sprays and other chemicals everyday
  • Reducing the use of natural resources such as fossil fuels and wood products
  • Cut trees in the forest
  • Throw garbage on lakes and shores
  • Protect the wildlife animals against animal poaching
  • Reducing energy consumption and increasing use of renewable energy
  • Plant more trees
  • Increased fossil fuel combustion from motor vehicles, industrial factories, and power plants
  • As a student, how will help in not contributing pollution in the atmosphere? State three actions that you will do in your own little ways.
  • Ways to reduce the effect of human activities on the natural resources
    • Reduce waste
    • Plant more trees
    • Choosing fuel efficient cars
    • Limit the use of sprays and chemicals
    • Reducing energy consumption and increasing use of renewable energy sources
  • Do not let water flow while brushing teeth or washing utensils
  • Switch to cloth bags and reuse them instead of plastic bags
  • Use public transportation rather than driving a car all alone
  • Use buckets instead of showers or you can take short showers
  • Replace all your old appliances with better and efficient ones