final exam

Cards (85)

  • The US government's laissez-faire approach to busines in the Gilded Age meant it interfered very little in business.
  • When Mark Twain coined the term "Gilded Age," he was reffering to how America was glittering on the outside with prosperity but on the inside was full of greed and consumption.
  • Boarding schools for Native Americans in the 19th century attempted to assimilate Native Americans into the dominant white culture.
  • The Wounded Knee massacre was a response to the Ghost Dance religious movement.
  • Advancements in engineering, sellers reaching new markets, and standardization of time were considered impacts of railroads in America.
  • The Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was an attempt to assimilate Native Americans into American society through individual land grants.
  • Immigrants (mostly from China and Ireland) primarily built the railroads.
  • In the late 19th c. bison numbers in the west dramatically decreased because of over-hunting, disease, and a strategic way of eliminating Native American resources.
  • As a result of the conflict at Little Big Horn, the US government would pursue the Sioux relentlessly in retribution for their loss at Little Big Horn.
  • The term vertical integration refers to controlling all aspects of an industry, from procuring raw materials to delivery of finished goods.
  • Mostly young immigrant women in New York were victims of the Triangle Shortwast Factory Fire.
  • Sharecropping the South caused both poor black and white farmers to be caught in continual cycles of debt.
  • The "new immigrants" who arrived in the US after 1880 differed from previous immigrants in that they came from eastern and southern Europe and practiced different religions and customs than previous immigrants.
  • Machine bosses kept themselves in political power by demanding votes from a popultion in return for offering favors.
  • The Interstate Commerce Act was the government's first attempt at regulating the railroad industry.
  • Women suffragists in the 19th c. largely remained racially segregated.
  • Social Darwanism applied the theory of evolution and idea of "survival of the fittest" to human society.
  • The Pendleton Civil Service Act was passed in response to Garfield's assasination and the widespread use of the patronage system.
  • The Populist Party gained most of its support from rural farmers.
  • Farmers would have been in favor of coining more silver in the late 19th c.
  • The Navy would benefit from implementing Alfred Thayer Mahan's ideas.
  • When Social Darwanism was applied to imperialism, theorists argued that stronger nations were justified in taking over weaker nations.
  • Theodore Roosevelt assisted Panama in revolting against Columbia in order to secure authority to build the Panama Canal.
  • Emilio Aguinaldo felt betrayed by the United States after its war with Spain and took up arms against the United State in the Philippines.
  • White American sugar farmers revolted and overthrew Queen Liluokalini primarily because she wanted to limit foreign power in Hawaii.
  • Teddy Roosevelt meant that the office of presidency gave Roosevelt an incredible platform to use his speech to shape the nation by coining the phrase "bully pulpit."
  • Progressivism and populism could be compared in which progressivism and populism shared many ideas, but progressivism was largely led by an urban middle-class population.
  • Prohibition, ending child labor, and women's sufferage were all progressive aims.
  • The guarantee of women's rights to vote in the United States came with the 19th Amendment, passed during Woodrow Wilson's presidency.
  • Progressive Era presidents view the role of the federal government as needing to expand to reach and create a more equitable and prosperous society.
  • The Bull Moose party split from the Republican party in 1912 because it considered itself more progressive than Taft and the Republican party.
  • Progressives who advocated for the initiative, referendum and recall wanted individuals to participate more directly in democracy.
  • The "Square Deal", "Speak softly and carry a big stick," and "New Nationalism" are all phrases articulated by Theodore Roosevelt.
  • During World War I, the land in between the trenches of opposing armies was called No-man's land.
  • During World War I, women participated in the war effort through nursing, clerical jobs in the navy, and "Hello Girls" on telephone operators.
  • The federal government's power during World War I increased.
  • Woodrow Wilson believed that Freedom of speech could and should be limited in times of war.
  • Germany accepting the war-guilt clause, Germany incurring huge reparation bill, and most colonies remained intact as part of the "mandate system" were came out of the Treaty of Versailles (1919).
  • People with percieved ties to communism were targeted for arrest during the Red Scare.
  • The Selective Service Act of 1917 instituted a draft in which all men 21-30 needed to register.