Embodied Spirit- does not necessarily refer to the incarnation or materialization of spirit as an immaterial entity
Christian Philosophy the concept of the embodied spirit is specific to Christian philosophy
Christian Philosophy the inseparable union of body and soul
"embodied spirit" = the body is not separate from the soul, just as the soul is not separate from the body
Embodied Spirit - the point of convergence between the material and spiritual entities
we cannot talk of anything without the union of:
MATTER and form
Embodied Spirit- it enables us to know our potentialities and limitations
Embodied Spirirt- it also exposes us to a thorough and deeper understanding of ourselves as a unique creature united by body and soul
Aristotle on the Human Person as an Embodied Spirit
it is important at this point to provide the theoretical context of this issue
large part a reaction against Plato's take on the nature of the human person
Plato seen in the metaphysical dichotomy
material = mutable destructible
= immutable indestructible
there is an inherent contradiction between the body and the soul
in the context of the nature of the human person:
body's existence DEPENDENT=soul
soul's existence
the contention above made Plato conclude that the human person is just a soul using a body
3 parts of the soul
1) rational
2) spiritual
3) appetitive
The Myth of the Charioteer
to provide an overview of Plato's account of the human person
The Myth of the Charioteer
to comprehend the complex nature of the soul
The Myth of the charioteer
serves as a background to Aristotle's account of the human person as an embodied spirit
Spiritual and appetitive soul - motion and activity of the whole person
rational soul
to guide the spiritual and appetitive souls
rational soul
the highest of all parts of the soul
Rational soul
guides the other two parts: appetitive and spiritual
reason 》GUIDES
reason 》SOUL
Socrates = if reason can successfully guide desire and spirit =
the human person will attain a well-balanced personality
the soul exists prior to the body =
the soul is an entity distinct from the body
if we talk about the human person,
we talk about the body and soul:
Embodied Spirit = separable
the soul is imprisoned in the body and that the soul survives the death of the body: Immaterial, immutable, indestructible
soul leaves the body and goes back to the:
World of Forms
Plato's doctrine of form
2 kinds of worlds
1) World of Forms
2) World of Matter
everything comes from the World of Forms everything that exists will go back to the World of Forms after it perishes
body decomposes and the soul will go back to the World of Forms and lives there eternally
Aristotle : there is no dichotomy between the person's body and soul