Altitude and Temperature

Cards (30)

  • Atmosphere
    Composition of the atmosphere accounts for much of the difference between Earth and other planets
  • The atmosphere is crucial for life on Earth because it supplies oxygen, water, CO2 and a few nutrients (N) to living organisms and protects living organisms from temperature extremes and excessive UV radiation
  • Layers of the atmosphere
    • Troposphere
    • Stratosphere
    • Mesosphere
    • Thermosphere
    • Exosphere
  • Temperature variations within the atmosphere
    Due to the way different energy is absorbed as it moves downward through the atmosphere
  • The Earth's surface is the primary absorber of solar energy
  • As altitude (distance from sea level) increases
    Atmospheric pressure decreases
  • Atmospheric gases extend many kilometers above Earth's surface
  • As Earth's gravity pulls the gases toward its surface
    The weight of those gases presses down on the air below
  • People find it difficult to breathe high mountains because fewer molecules of air exist there
  • The Sun is the source of most of the energy on Earth
  • Before solar energy reaches the atmosphere
    It must withstand the atmosphere
  • Because some layers contain gases that easily absorb the Sun's energy while other layers don't
    The different layers have different temperatures
  • Molecules that compose air within the troposphere
    Are warmed mostly by heat from the Earth's surface
  • Molecules of ozone within the stratosphere
    Absorb some of the Sun's energy, raising the temperature
  • Because more ozone molecules are found at higher altitudes in the stratosphere, the temperature increases with increasing altitude
  • Atmosphere
    • Atmospheric gases extend many kilometers above Earth's surface
    • Earth's gravity pulls the gases toward its surface
    • Molecules nearer Earth's surface are closer together
    • Dense air exerts more force than less dense air near the highest of the atmosphere
    • People find it difficult to breathe high mountains because fewer molecules of air exist there
  • Sun
    Source of most of the energy on Earth
  • Energy from the Sun reaching Earth
    1. Must withstand the atmosphere
    2. Some layers contain gases that easily absorb the Sun's energy
    3. Other layers don't
    4. Assorted layers have different temperatures
  • Troposphere
    • Lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere
    • Starts at the surface and goes up to 7-20 km
    • All weather occurs within this layer
    • Contains water vapor and dust particles
    • Temperature decreases at 1°C per 165 m of height
  • Stratosphere
    • Second layer of the atmosphere, extends up to 50 km
    • Extremely dry, contains little vapor
    • Absorbs UV rays and protects Earth from harmful radiation
    • Temperatures increase with altitude due to ozone
    • Stratopause separates Stratosphere and Mesosphere
  • Mesosphere
    • Found above the Stratosphere
    • Coldest part of the atmosphere, temperatures drop below -80°C
    • Meteors dissipate in this layer
    • Mesopause separates Mesosphere and Thermosphere
  • Thermosphere
    • Layer above Mesopause, from 80 to 400 km
    • Average temperature is 980°C
    • Radio waves transmitted from Earth are reflected by this layer
    • Temperature increases with height
    • Aurora and satellites occur in this layer
  • Exosphere
    • Outermost layer of the atmosphere
    • Zone where molecules and atoms escape into space
    • Extends from top of Thermosphere up to 10,000 km
  • Temperature generally decreases with altitude in the troposphere because gases in this place absorb very little of the incoming solar radiation
  • Ozone layer is located in the stratosphere which absorbs the sun's ultraviolet radiation
  • As distance from Earth (altitude) increases, air pressure decreases
  • People find it difficult to breathe in high mountains because fewer molecules of air exist there
  • Temperature is the basis for dividing the atmosphere into different layers
  • CFCs are air pollutants that are destroying the ozone layer
  • As a student, ways to protect the atmosphere and prevent ozone damage include...</b> (student response)