Cards (57)

  • Gene is a segment of DNA that has the information or codes for a protein
  • A single molecule of a dna has a thousand genes
  • DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid
  • The cycle of DNA is: DNA to RNA to PROTEINS
  • Chromosomes are refrred to as form of DNA that forms in the nucleus when the cell is preparing to divide
  • The shape or the DNA model is called a DOUBLE HELIX STRAND
  • Humans have 46 chromosomes
  • Half of your chronosomes are from your father and the other half is from your mother
  • More than or less than 46 chromosomes cause disabilities like AUTISM or DOWNSYNDROME
  • People with disabilities are caused by TRISONRY 21
  • TRISONRY 21 is when the 21st pair of chromosomes either has more than or less than 2 chromosomes
  • CHROMATIDS are two exact cipied of chromosomes that are connected together
  • Centromere is the point in the middle where two sister chromatids are connected
  • Chromosomes are ONLY visible when the cell is about to divide which is why we usually see them in their double form (?)
  • Chromatids are made when new chromosomes are going to be made
  • Diploid is equal to 2n, where n is equal to 23
  • Haploid is equal to n where n is equal to 23
  • N is equal to 23
  • Diploids are your non sex cells or autosomes
  • Diploids are your body cells excluding gender
  • Your 23rd pair or last pair of chromosomes determines your gender
  • Haploid are you sex cells
  • Egg cells are the sex cells for females
  • Sperm cells are the sex cells for male
  • Homologous chromosomes are the same chromosomes paired togther
  • Homologous chromosomes are also used for pairing chromosomes
  • Homologous chromosomes are always present in diploid cells
  • Kariogram is the arrangement of chromosomes from smallest to biggest
  • Kariotype is the process of arranging chromosomes from smallest to biggest
  • The father is the one that determines the childs gender since they have both x and y chromosomes
  • Gregor Johan Mendel is an australian monk and the father of genetics because he discovered genes without the knowledge of DNA
  • Genetics is the study if heredity and variation
  • Gregor Mendel studied the traits of pea plants at age 21
  • Why did mendel chose to study pea plants?
    cheap price
    reproduction is easy to control
    only has 2 contrasting traits
  • Alleles - alternate forms of a gene
  • Dominant - much more visible
  • Recessive - less visible
  • Recessive - less visible
  • Segregation - principle of splitting of autosomes
  • Dominance - principle where a hereditary trait dominates