mod 4 advanced data modeling
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Risse Contreras
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Result of adding more semantic constructs to the original entity-relationship (ER) model
Diagram using this model is called an EER diagram (EERD)
Entity supertype
Generic entity type related to one or more entity subtypes
Contains common characteristics
Entity subtype
Contains unique characteristics of each entity subtype
Relationships at the supertype level
Indicate that all subtypes will participate in the relationship
of a
may participate in a relationship unique to that subtype
Enables entity subtype to inherit attributes and relationships of the supertype
All entity subtypes inherit their primary key attribute from their supertype
At the implementation level, the supertype and its subtype(s) maintain a 1:1 relationship
Entity subtypes inherit all relationships in which the supertype entity participates
Lower-level subtypes inherit all attributes and relationships from all upper-level supertypes
Identifies more specific entity subtypes from higher-level entity supertype
Top-down process
Based on grouping unique characteristics and relationships of the subtypes
Identifies more generic entity supertypes from lower-level entity subtypes
Bottom-up process
Based on grouping common characteristics and relationships of the subtypes
Specialization hierarchy
Depicts arrangement of higher-level entity supertypes and lower-level entity subtypes
Relationships described in terms of "IS-A" relationships
Subtype exists only within the context of the supertype
Every subtype has only one supertype to which it is directly related
Can have many levels of supertype/subtype relationships
Partial completeness
Some supertype occurrences are not members of any subtype
Total completeness
Every supertype occurrence must be a member of at least one subtype
An instance of the supertype can be only one of the subtypes
Overlap rule
An instance of the supertype could be more than one of the subtypes
Subtype discriminator
An attribute in the supertype entity that determines to which entity subtype each supertype occurrence is related
Default comparison condition for subtype discriminator attribute is equality comparison
Subtype discriminator may be based on other comparison condition
Subtypes that contain a unique subset of the supertype entity set
Overlapping subtypes
Subtypes that contain non-unique subsets of the supertype entity set
Primary key
Most important characteristic of an entity
Single attribute or some combination of attributes
Primary key's function is to guarantee entity integrity
Primary keys and foreign keys work together to implement relationships
Properly selecting primary key has direct bearing on efficiency and effectiveness
A real-world identifier used to uniquely identify real-world objects
Familiar to end users and forms part of their day-to-day business vocabulary
Generally, data modeler uses natural identifier as primary key of entity being modeled