types of orderly relationships of sentences.

Cards (5)

  • Time of Chronological Relationships - Events are presented in the natural order by which they occur, like first, second, next, and so on until the last.
  • Space Relationship - This is very effective when reporting an observation. The description shows movement or action – from a designated beginning to a logical or natural progression, from one descriptive detail to the next.
  • Particular to General - An example is the presentation of pieces of evidence or proofs, which lead to a conclusion or a general statement. The particular details are enumerated before the pronouncement of the thesis.
  • General to Particular - The writer begins with a general statement, and then moves on to details or proofs of the statement
  • Cause Effect Relationship - The writer may state the causes first, and then the subsequent effects of that incident. Or, the writer may enumerate first all the events that happened – and then, collate them all to point towards the underlying cause.