comprog mod 1

Cards (17)

  • Programming language
    Special language used by programmers to communicate with the computer
  • Computer Programming is an interesting activity which gives instant results in most of the cases based on the programs written by us
  • Evolution of programming languages over time
    • 1951 - 1960: Fortran, COBOL, Assembly Language
    • 1961 - 1970: SNOBOL, Simula, PASCAL
    • 1971 - 1980: C, SQL, C++
    • 1981 - 1990: MATLAB, FoxPro, Objective C
    • 1991 - 2000: Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, JavaScript, ActionScript
    • 2001 - 2010: C#, Go, Rust
    • 2011 - Present: Kotlin, Swift
  • Sequence
    A process is executed from one to another in a straight forward manner
  • Selection (if-then-else)
    A choice is provided between two alternatives
  • Repetition (Looping)

    A loop structure is used to execute a certain set of actions for a predefined number of times or until a particular condition is satisfied
  • Algorithm
    A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. It is a step-by-step instructions that accomplish a task
  • Algorithm to log in to Facebook account
    1. Enter in your browser
    2. Facebook Home page loads
    3. Enter your Email ID and Password
    4. Is Email ID and Password Valid?
    5. If NO then Log in error, Go to Enter Email ID and Password
    6. If YES then Display Facebook Account
  • Algorithm to add two numbers entered by user
    1. Start
    2. Declare variables num1, num2 and sum
    3. Read variables num1 and num2
    4. Add num1 and num2 and assign the result to sum
    5. Display sum
    6. Stop
  • Languages use to communicate with a computer
  • The directions given to computer
  • The people who write the computer programs
  • The step-by-step instructions that accomplish a task
  • The control structure that directs the computer to process each instruction in the order listed in the program
  • The control structure that directs the computer to make a decision and then take the appropriate action based on the decisions, also called the decision structure
  • Another term for repetition structure
  • What are the 3 program basic structure