The singlemostimportant person in the education process
Educator as Facilitator
Helping the learner fo become aware of what needs to be known, why knowing is valuable, and how to be actively involved in acquiring information
permits the nurse educator to facilitate the process of learning by arranging experiences within the environment tht assist the learner to find the purpose, the will, and the most suitable approaches for learning.
Assessing problems and deficits and learner's abilities
Providing important best evidence information and presenting it in unique and appropriate ways
Identifying progress being made
Giving feedback and follow-up
Reinforcing learning in the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes
Determining the effectiveness of education being provided
Leaning needs
learner needs and wants
Readiness to learn
What the learner is receptive to learning
Learning Style
how the learner best learns
Learning needs are defined as gaps in knowledge that exist between a desired level of performance and the actual level of performance
Identify the learner
an educator may believe that all parents of children with asthma need a formal class on potential hazards in the home. This perception nay be based on the educator's interaction with a few patients and may not be true of all families.
Ensuring the privacy and confidentiality is recognize as essential to establishing a trusting relationship
A systematic Reviews offer an excellent way to become aware of the published research about learning needs of specific populations
learners are usually the most important source of needs assessment data about themselves
Nurses are not the sole educators of these individuals; thus they must remember to collaborate with other members of the healthcare team for a richer assessment of learning needs
Learning about low-sodium diet likely cannot occur if a patient faces problems with basic physiological needs such as pain and discomfort; the latter needs should be addresses before any other higher order learning is expected to occur.
A patient who has experienced a recent heart attack needs to know the signs and symptoms and when to get immediate help.
It is important for patients who have cardiovascular disease to understand the effects of a high-fat diet on their condition
The patient who is newly diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus most likely does not need to know about self-care issues that arise in relationship to traveling across time zones or staying in a foreign country because this information does not relate to the patient's everyday activities
A patient who has asthma needs to learn how to use an inhaler and peak-flow meter. The nurse educator may determine that this patient learns best if the nurse gives a demonstration of the use of the inhaler and peak-flow meter and then allows the patient the opportunity to perform a return demonstration.
The organization is focused on health promotion versus trauma care, then there likely will be a different educational focus or emphasis that dictates learning needs of both consumers and employees
Informal Conversation
Nurse educator must rely on active listening to pick up cues and information regarding learning needs. Staff can provide valuable input about their learning needs by responding to open-ended questions(answerable by yes or no)
Structured Interviews
The nurse educator ask the learned direct and often predetermined questions to gather information about learning needs. Nurses can take notes with the learner's permission so that important information is not lost. The telephone is a good tool to use for an interview if it is impossible to ask questions in person
Focus Groups
Small number(4-12) of potential learners to determine areas of educational beed by using group discussion to identify points of view or knowledge about a certain topic. A facilitator leads the discussion by asking open-ended questions intended to encourage detailed discussion.
Nurse educators can obtain learner's written responses to question about learning needs by using questionnaires
Giving written pretest before planned teaching can help the knowledge if potential learners regarding certain subjects and can assist in identifying their specific learning needs before instruction begins.
Watching the learner perform a skill more than once is an excellent way of assessing a psychomotor need. Are steps performed correctly? by observing the skills performance the educator can best determine whether additional learning may be needed.
Initial assessments, progress notes, nursing care plans, staff notes, and discharge planning forms can provide information about the learning needs of patients.
are one of the most common forms of questionnaires
Readiness to learn occurs when a patient, staff, or student ask a questions, receptive, willing, and able to participate in the learning process
Measures of ability
Walking on crutches is a psychomotor skills for which a patient must have a physical ability to be ready to learn. By using instructional tools to match learner's physical and sensory abilities encourages readiness to learn
Physical Readiness
Consist of five major components
Measures of ability
Complexity of task
Environmental effects
Health Status Gender
Complexity of task
The more complex the task, the more difficult it is to achive
Environmental Effects
Unfavorable conditions, such as extremely high levels of noise or frequent interruptions, can interfere with a learner's accuracy and precision in performing cognitive and manual dexterity task
Health Status
Giving patient sedative prior to a learning experience may result in less apprehension, but cognitive and psychomotor abilities may be impared
This difference may arise because women traditionally have taken the role of caregivers and, therefore, are more open to health promotion teaching