Cards (20)

  • HAIR CARE – should be done daily
  • Important because
    Morale is often directly related to appearance
  • Shampooing client's hair
    1. Client who is well enough to take a shower can shampoo while in the shower
    2. Client who is unable to shower may be given a shampoo while sitting on a chair in front of a sink
    3. Client who must remain in bed can be given a shampoo in bed
  • Reasons for shampooing
    • After lotions or other medications have been applied to the scalp
    • After an encephalogram for which a paste is used
    • For cleanliness on admission or during a long term illness
    • As part of the treatment for lice (pediculosis) or dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis)
  • Why is it important to keep hair clean?
    Clean hair may a person feel and look better. Old oils and dirt are removed when the hair is cleaned with shampoo. This helps prevent skin irritation and also helps stop germs from growing.
  • Purposes of Hair Shampoo
    • To remove oil, dandruff and dirt
    • To stimulate scalp circulation
    • To improve appearance and morale
    • To prevent infection from lice and nits after application of lice exterminator
    • To prevent tangling and matting of hair due to prolong rest
    • To facilitate brushing and combing
  • Problems of the hair
    • Dandruff
    • Hair loss and growth
    • Ticks
    • Pediculosis (Lice)
    • Scabies
    • Hirsutism
  • Dandruff
    Appears as a diffused scaling of the scalp often accompanied by itching
  • Hair loss and growth
    Are continual processes, semi permanent thinning of hair normally occurs with aging. Baldness is thought to be hereditary problem for which there is known remedy
  • Ticks
    Small gray-brown parasites that bite into tissue and suck blood. They are in many forms and can adapt themselves in various conditions. They can attack themselves to human beings and are found frequently in the hair. They attack a person with the apparatus by which they suck blood and should not be torn off because the sucking apparatus may be left and become infected. Ticks transmit several diseases to people such as, Rocky mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease and Tularemia.
  • Types of Pediculosis
    • Pediculosis capitis - the head louse, found in the scalp and tends to stay hidden in the hairs
    • Pediculosis corporis - body louse
    • Pediculosis pubis - crab louse
  • Pediculosis capitis treatment
    lindane (kwell shampoo), permethrin (Nix)
  • Scabies
    A contagious skin infestation by the itch mite. The characteristic lesion is the burrow produced by the female mite as it penetrates into the upper layers of the skin. Burrows are short, wavy, or black, threadlike lesions most commonly observed between the fingers, in the creases of the wrists and elbows, beneath breast tissue and in the groin area.
  • Hirsutism
    Excessive body hair growth, the cause is unknown
  • Points to Remember
    • Patient's hair should not be cut without the doctor's order
    • If the patient is able to shampoo her hair, do it in the bathroom
    • Avoid hilling the patient
  • Implementation
    1. Place face towel over the pillow to keep it clean
    2. Patients who are able to comb and brush their own hair should be placed on fowler's position
    3. Unconscious or helpless patients should be placed in flat or semi-fowler's position; turn the head away from you and brush hair toward you
    4. Treat it with cream rinse (leave on/ hair lotion) or alcohol to remove snarls
    5. Matted hair may have to be separated into small section ad treated with a cream rinse or alcohol to remove snarls
    6. Hold a section of hair 2-3 inches from the end. Comb the end until it is free of tangles
    7. You should be gentle to avoid causing pain
  • Equipment
    • Face towel
    • Bath blanket
    • 2 bath towels
    • Shampoo
    • Commercial rinse / vinegar
    • Rubber sheet / protective pad / plastic square
    • Pitcher / dipper
    • Basin to collect water
    • Gloves if the patient has scalp abrasion or infection
    • Cornucopia, cotton balls
  • Procedure
    1. Identify and assess the patient. Explain the procedure to the patient.
    2. Bring necessary equipment at the bed side
    3. Close the room door or curtain
    4. Remove top linen and change with bath blanket
    5. Move the patient in diagonal position in bed
    6. Place plastic squares or rubber sheet under the head and shoulder of the patient
    7. Place towel around the patient's neck and shoulder
    8. Arrange Kelly pad under patient's head. Place cotton balls on ears and cover the eyes with face towel.
    9. Wet the hair
    10. Shampoo hair and rinse thoroughly
    11. Remove Kelly pad and place towel around patient's hair
    12. Dry hair, ears and neck
    13. Assist the patient to comb and arrange hair
    14. Return all used equipment to proper places
    15. Replace top linen and remove bath blanket
    16. Allow patient to rest
    17. Documentation
  • Things to report and document
    • Sores, redness or bleeding
    • Flaking, dandruff or scalp dryness
    • Bugs or other bodies
  • Combing or brushing hair
    1. Cover the pillow with a towel if the client is in bed
    2. Gently comb or brush one section at a time. Do not pull it. Do not break or cause any discomfort. If the hair is tangled, comb the ends first and then work to the scalp.
    3. Braid the hair if the client wants braids. Braids prevent tangles.
    4. Remove the towel and let the client see how they look using a mirror
    5. Clean the brush or comb. Do NOT share combs or brushes with other clients.