outbreak of ww2

Cards (23)

  • Throughout the 1930s tension rose in Europe, ultimately culminating in the outbreak of WW2 in September 1939.
    Hitler’s actions throughout the 1930s significantly contributed to the outbreak of this war, whilst other causes included The Treaty of Versailles, Failure of the League of Nations and Appeasement.
    After 21 years war returned.
  • War (not ready for war)
    Empire (would not support war)
    Repeat (did not want repeat of WW1)
    Communism (Hitler opposed Communism)
    USA (will not support another war)
    Treaty of Versailles (seen as unfair)
    Economy (economic issues more important)
  • Appeasement
    Appeasement was where Britain, France and the League of Nations allowed Hitler to do what he wanted to and break the terms of the Treaty of Versailles without stopping him.
  • Why World War Two broke out in 1939
    There are various different causes
  • Hitler's Actions
    • Broke the Treaty of Versailles
    • Raised tensions across Europe
    • Ultimately leading to the outbreak of war
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact & Invasion of Poland

    • Acted as the final spark and trigger of the war
    • By August and September 1939 war was looking increasingly inevitable
  • Appeasement
    • Britain, France and the other nations had plenty of chances to stop Hitler and the Nazis
    • They did not want another war, followed appeasement
    • Hitler grew stronger
  • Treaty of Versailles
    • Was too harsh on Germany
    • Caused long term resentment
    • Caused so many problems that Hitler came to power and Germany sought war
  • 1)Mein Kampf (1920s)
    Whilst in prison, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf setting out his aims.
    1.Get rid of the Treaty of Versailles
    2.Conquer Lebensraum (living space)
    3.Destroy Communism
  • Failure of the League of Nations
    • Was set up to achieve peace and prevent wars
    • But it was increasingly weak by the 1930s
    • Failing to stop WW2
  • Great Depression
    • The economic crash led to many of these problems
    • Including the rise of Hitler
    • And the undermining of the League of Nations
  • 2) Rearmament & LoN (1933)
    •In 1933, Hitler was made Chancellor of Germany,
    •One of Hitler’s first moves was to take Germany out of the League of Nations.
    •He stormed out of the Disarmament Conference and instead started to rearm Germany.
  • 3) Dollfuss Affair (1934)
    •Hitler wanted to reunite Austria and Germany.
    •The Austrian Chancellor Dollfuss banned the Nazis in Austria.
    •Hitler ordered them to cause havoc and Dollfuss was murdered.
    • The loyal Austrian army supported the government and Mussolini persuaded Hitler not to invade.
  • 4) Stresa Front Agreement (1935)
    •Britain, France & Italy signed the Stresa Front Agreement.
    •They promised to follow the Locarno Treaty and avoid war.
    •They also promised to protect Austrian independence.
    •By 1936 Mussolini had fallen out with his allies and sided with Hitler.
  • 5) Rearmament Rally (1935)
    •Hitler held a massive rearmament rally to show the new found military strength of Germany.
    •League of Nations did nothing to stop them, appeasement had begun.
  • 6) Saar Plebiscite (1935)
    •The Saar was a rich industrial land between France and Germany that had been controlled by LoN for 15 years.
    •A plebiscite was held to decide its future.
    •90% of its people voted to re-join Germany.  Hitler regained land.
  • 7) Re-militarisation of Rhineland (1936)
    •Hitler broke the terms of the Treaty of Versailles by remilitarising the Rhineland, the border between Germany and France.
    •Allied powers did nothing to stop this.
    •Symbolised shift of power towards Germany and showed their military strength.
    •Allowed Germany to then follow an aggressive policy in Eastern Europe.
    •Conscription reintroduced in Germany.
  • 8) Anti-Comintern Pact (1936)
    •An anti-Communism Pact was formed between Germany and Japan in 1936, making them allies.
    •In 1937, both Italy and Spain joined this alliance.
    •The Axis powers had been formed, opposing Communism and further threatening world peace.
    •By this time both Japan and Italy had left the League of Nations.
  • 9) Spanish Civil War
    •In 1937, Hitler showed his military strength in Spain.
    •He supported right wing dictator Franco against the Republicans.
    •He supplied military aid, mainly through his air force (Luftwaffe).
    •The Luftwaffe bombed and destroyed Spanish towns, most famously Guernica.
  • 10) Anschluss (1938)
    •Banned by the WW1 peace treaties, many in Germany and Austria wanted the two countries to be reunited.
    •In March 1938 this happened. Hitler marched into Austria and a plebiscite was held.
    •99.7% of Austrians voted to join Germany. They had no choice.
  • 11) Sudeten Crisis (1938 -1939)
    •Following Anschluss, Hitler’s next target was the German speaking Sudetenland, a rich industrial area of Czechoslovakia.
    •His military threatened to invade and war looked likely.
    •In September 1938, the leaders met at the Munich Conference.
    •Hitler was given the Sudetenland without firing a bullet and promised he wanted no more. This was appeasement in action.
    •In March 1939, Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia. War loomed.
  • 12) Nazi-Soviet Pact (23rd August 1939)
    •Soviet leader Stalin had lost faith with Britain and France and instead sided with Hitler and the Nazis.
    •They signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact, agreeing to both invade and split Poland.
  • 13) Invasion of Poland (September 1939)
    •After the events in Czechoslovakia, Britain and France promised they would declare war if Hitler invaded Poland.
    •Hitler believed Appeasement would go on. •On 1st September 1939, the Nazis and Soviets both invaded Poland.
    •Two days later, Britain and France declared war. This was the final straw. World War Two had begun.