Teaching is a deliberate intervention involving the planning and implementation.
Honest communication is the third contributing factor to healthy relationship with learners.
Honest communication is also the openness between educator and students creates a relaxed atmosphere.
Respect means that teachers must be able to show their appreciation, admiration, or deference towards others.
Teacher style involves interpersonal, professional, and personal aspects of good teaching. It is being a good teacher than just the skills, techniques and attributes mentioned.
Teaching practices alludes to the educator’s thorough knowledge and careful information on the topic in terms of the 3 behavior such as mechanics, methods, and skills.
The period of development during which school readiness skills are developed and most free time is spent playing with friends is called middle childhood
Early childhood depends almost completely on their parents. This is where they are learning to recognize things that they wants and how to get them.
Theories are several interrelated, coherent sets of ideas that would help someone explain and make predictions about development.
Earlychildhood has limited sense of time
Early childhood is also animistic thinking and egocentric
Early childhood cannot generalized everything
In adolescent stage is where the peer group is the most important
Adolescentstage are motivated by desire for social acceptance
Adolescentstage reasons by logic and understand scientific principles
Tactilelearner uses traditional lecture situations and let the students to write out only important facts
theory of “multiple intelligences" consists 8 categories
Naturalistic, spatial, linguistic, intrapersonal, interpersonal, logical-mathematical, musical, and bodily-kinesthetic are the multiple intellegence
Theory of "MultipleIntelligences" was developed by Howard Gardner
Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to know oneself well enough to be able to manage one's own life effectively.
metacognition is evolved in the study of information processing. It is defined as thinking about one’s thinking.
Metacognitive knowledge refers to an individual’s awareness of his or her cognitive strengths and weaknesses.
creating and manipulating mental images is called spatial intellegence
Which action best indicates that learning has occurred? A patient demonstrates how to inject insulin.
Role play is a teaching method that is more appropriate when the educator focuses on the affective domain.
When evaluating the learning of a physically challenge client is the more appropriate to use question and answer method
Which of the following is the advantage of demonstration and return demonstration? Involves stimulation of visual, auditory and tactile sense
the major reason of creating teaching plan is to ensurethatanindividualizedplanisproperlyimplementedand in logicalmanner
Evidence-based practice is the conscientious use of current best practice evidence in making decision about patient care.
Evidenced-based medicine is credited as one of the greatest medical advances of the 20th century and has influenced spheres far beyond health.
True or False : Evidenced based practice allows the patient to have a proactive role in their own health care? True
Evidenced Based practice translate research into practice
Quality improvement seeks to improve processes in unit and organization
Educational Objectives are used to identify the intended outcomes of the education process
Instructional objectives describe the teaching activities, specific content areas, and resources used to facilitate effective instruction
Behavioral or Learning Objective is action oriented rather than content oriented and it is learner centered
Goal is the final outcome of what is achieved and end of teaching-learning process
Goal is also a long-term outcome of instruction
Goals are realistically achievable in weeks or months
Goals are considered multidimensional and incorporated into overall goal