Mons pubis is a round firm pad of adipose tissue covering the symphysis pubis
LabiaMajora- Two rounded folds of adipose tissue extending from the mons pubis down and around the perineum
LabiaMinora- Two smaller, darker fold of skin inside the labia majora.
Frenulum- A transverse fold which joins the labia minora posteriorly
Clitoris- A small, pea- shaped erectile body, homologous with the male penis and highly sensitive to tactile stimulation
Vestible is the labial structures encircle a boat-shaped space
Urethral Meatus- a dimple 2.5 cm posterior opening posterior to the clitoris
Vagina- a flattened tubular canal extending from the orifice up and backward into the pelvis. Leads into the female reproductive tract
Rugae-Thick transverse folds which enable the vagina to dilate during childbrith
Hymen-A thin membrane that partially covers the external opening of the vagina
Cervix- a smooth doughnut-shaped area with a small circular hole or os, found at the end of the canal that leads into the uterus
Anterior fornix is a continuous recess present in front of the cervix
Posteriorfornix is continuous recess found in back of cervix
Rectouterine pouch or cul de sac of douglas is found behind the posterior fornix, a deep recess formed by the peritoneum dips down between the rectum and cervix
Uterus- a pear-shaped thick walled muscular organ which a fetus develops. Flattened anteroposteriorly. 5.5 to 8cm by 3.5-4 cm wide and 2-2.5 thick
Fallopiantubes are two pliable trumpet shaped tubes, 10 cm long extending from the uterine fundus laterally to the brim of the pelvis. Transports egg cel from ovary to uterus
Ovaries- primary reproductive organ of female. Produces egg cell. 3 cm long 2 cm wide
what position should a woman do for female genitalia examination?
Penis is am external reproductive organ of the male through which urethra passes. Compose of three cylindrical columns of erectile tissue
penis has 2corporacavernosa on dorsal side and onecorpusspongiosom vetrally
Glans or corpus spongiosom is a cone of erectile tissue found at the distal end of shaft
Urethra in Men is a tube leading from urinary bladder to the outside of body transverse the corpus spong. and its meatus forms a slit at the glans tip
Frenulum in Male- is a forskin extending from urethral meatus ventrally
The scrotum is a loose, protective sac, that ecloses testes.
Epididymis is a highly coiled tubule that leads from the seminiferous tubules of the testes to the vas deferens. Storage of sperm
Vasdeferens is a muscular duct or tube that leads from the epididymis to the urethra of the male repro. tract
Spermaticcord ascends along the posterior border of the testes and runs through the tunnel of the inguinal canal into the abdomen
Ejaculatoryduct is a duct of the seminal vesicle behind the bladder which empties into the urethra
Lymphatics- where the penis scrotal surface drain into the inguinal lymph nodes, those of testes drain into the abdomen
Phimosis - unable to retract foreskin
Paraphimosis- unable to return foreskin to original position