Participate in the formation of the epidermal water barrier
Immature keratinocytes are highly basophilic due to large number of free ribosomes engaged in keratin synthesis
Produce keratin, the major structural protein of the epidermis
Keratin assembled into keratin filaments
In the stratum spinosum, keratin filaments are grouped into bundles called tonofibrils
Keratohyaline granules contain profillagrin and trichohyalin proteins which function as promoters in the aggregation of keratin filaments into tonofibrils
Tonofibrils formed is called soft keratin in contrast to the hard keratin of the hair and nails
Keratinization involves breakdown of nucleus and organelles, thickening of plasma membrane, and change in pH from neutral in stratum granulosum to acidic in stratum corneum
Desquamation of surface keratinocytes from stratum corneum is carried out by proteolytic degradation of cell desmosomes by human kallikrein related serine peptidases in acidic pH environment
Lymphoepithelial kazal type inhibitor (LEKTI) is a physiological serine protease inhibitor in neutral pH environment in stratum granulosum which prevents desmosomal cleavage