Cards (17)

  • Dyspnea - difficulty of breathing
  • Cough: reflex response to stimuli to expel mucus or sputum and foreign bodies
  • Wheezing: high-pitched whistling sound during exhalation caused by narrowed airways
  • Rhonchi: low-pitched rattling sounds that occur with forced exhalation due to secretions in the bronchial tubes
  • Stridor: loud, harsh noise heard when the vocal cords are partially obstructed
  • Cough types: Acute (<3 weeks), Subacute (3-8 weeks), Chronic (>8 weeks)
  • Sputum: mucoid(mild, clear), purulent(opaque, yellow)
  • INSPECTION: back first, assess for CRAMP:
    C-Chest wall asymmetry
    R-Respiratory rate & pattern
    A-Accessory muscle use
    P-Paradoxical Movement
  • Barrel chest - A chest that is wide and flat, with a slight taper toward the shoulders.
  • Pigeon chest - depressed lower sternum, A chest that is wider than it is deep, with a rounded back.
  • Funnel chest - Anteriorly displaced sternum, A chest with a funnel-shaped opening at the bottom.
  • Thoracic kyphosis - forward curvature of the thoracic spine, forming a C curve
  • Paradoxical movement - uneven movement of chest wall, occurs on the injured chest side
  • PALPATION: chest wall should feel smooth, warm, dry
  • Bronchophony - should sound muffled
  • Egophony - say "E", Muffled
  • Whisphered pectoriloquy - whisper "1, 2, 3", indistinguishable