Which part of the brain controls functions that keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure and food digestion-Brain Stem System
2. The following are the major parts of the brain:
• cerebrum
• cerebellum
• brain stem
Primary motor area- Frontal lobe
Primary somatosensory area- Parietal lobe
Primary visual area- occipital lobe
Primary auditory area- Temporallobe
4 lobes of cerebrum:
• Frontallobe
• Parietallobe
• Temporallobe
• OccipitalLobe
Transfers signals- Axon
Responsible for our emotions - lymbic system
Control our hormone production - hypothalamus
Release motors and sensory signals- Thalamus
Takes part in emotions- Amygdala
Responsible for memory conversation - hippocampus
The brain is divided into two:
• Lefthemisphere
• Righthemisphere
The two hemispheres of the brain communicate with each other though the corpus callosum which serves as a bridge between the two hemispheres which was according to- Sperry(1961) andgazzniga (1967)
What was invented by Tony Buzan- Mind maps
Who is the father of speed reading- tonyBuzan
He developed a technique called "Mind mapping" in 1942- Tony Buzan
Frontal lobe-Part of the lobes of cerebrum which function to make decisions or decision making.
Parietal lobe -An area of the lobes which is responsible for sensory signals
Occipital Lobe - an area of the lobes which is responsible for visual signals.
Temporal lobe - an area of the lobes responsible for hearing
3 Parts of the cerebellum:
• Posterior lobe
• Anterior lobe
• Flocculonodular lobe
Two parts of neurons:
Dendrites and Axon
3 Parts of the Brain Stem:
Mid brain, pons, and medulla oblongata
Dandrite- receive signals from other cells
Neurons- the messenger of the body
The brain also communicate with the rest of the body through specialized cell, called Neurons
Brain Stem it connect the spinal cord and the brain
Reticular activating system - responsible for your brain's alertness.
Reticular activating system - located in your brain stem
Right Brain- are more dominant, said to be intuitive, thoughtful, and subjective
Left Brain- is logical, analytical, and objective
Cerebellum - this region controls the voluntary movement