a compound is made up of more than one element joined together chemically
water has two hydrogen atoms bonded to one oxygen atom by covalent bonds
the formula for water is H2O
A compound is formed by a metal and a nonmetal which consists of ions.
Sodium chloride is an ionic compound because it contains both positive and negative ions held together by electrostatic forces
When a metalloses an electron it becomes a positive ion.
When a nonmetal atom gains an electrons it forms negativeions.
The opposite charges(positive and negative) of the ions mean they’re strongly attracted to each other.
What is ionic bonding?
A compound formed from non metals consists of molecule.Each atom shares an electron with another atom.
What is covalent bonding?
sodium chloride,magnesium oxide and calcium oxide.
What are examples of ionic bonding?
A formula shows what atoms are in a compound.Compounds are represented by formulas.The formulas are made up of elemental symbols in the same proportions that the elements can be found in the compound.
What is a formula?
carbon dioxide is a compound formed by an chemical reaction between carbon and oxygen.It contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.