Extended Entity Relationship Model is the result of adding semantic constructs to the original entity relationship model
Entity Supertype is the generic entity type related to one or more entity subtype
Entity Subtype contains unique characteristics of each of the entity subtype.
Inheritance enables the entity subtype to inherit the attributes and relationships from the entity supertype.
Specialization identifies more specific entity subtypes. It uses the top-down process and is based on grouping unique characteristics and relationships.
Generalization identifies more common entity supertypes. It uses the bottom-down process and is based on grouping common characteristics and relationships.
Completeness Constraint specifies whether an occurrence of a supertype must be a member of at least one subtype.
Total Completeness is a constraint where every occurrence of the supertype must be a member of at least one subtype
Partial Completeness is a constraint where some supertype occurrences are not members of any subtype
Disjointness Constraint specifies whether an instance of the supertype may be a member of at least two or more entity subtypes.
Disjoint Rule is a constraint where an instance of the supertype can be a member of only one subtype.
Overlap Rule is a constraint wherein an instance of the supertype can be a member of two or more subtypes.
A Subtype Discriminator is an attribute in the supertype entity. It is used to determine which entity subtypes are related to the supertype.
Disjoint Subtype is a subtype that contains a unique subset of the supertype entity set.
Overlap Subtypes is a subtype that contains non unique subsets of the supertype entity set.
PrimaryKey is the most important characteristic of an entity as it guarantees entity integrity.
Primary Key Characteristics:
Preferably single attribute
Preferably numeric
Security compliant
A natural key is a real world identifier used to identify real world objects