First part of the digestive system that is formed by the lips,cheeks,hard and softpalates, uvula, and the tongue and its muscles
Functions of the mouth
Serves as an airway for the respiratory tract
Consists of the: tongue, teeth,gums, and salivaryglands (parotid,submandibular, and sublingual)
Roof of oral cavity, formed by the anterior hardpalate and posterior softpalate, separates the oralcavity from the nasalcavity, prevents food from passing into the nasal cavity during chewing and swallowing
Lips, cheeks, and tongue
Lips form the entrance to the mouth and serve as a protective gateway to the digestive and respiratory tract
Cheeks form the lateralwalls of the mouth, located within buccinatormuscles that flatten cheeks against teeth, important for mastication (chewing)
Tongue forms the floor of the mouth, mass of muscle attached to the hyoidbone and styloidprocess, contains frenulum and papillae, carries sensory impulses to the brain via taste buds
Uvula, mandible, and gums
Uvula is an extension of the soft palate that hangs in the posteriormidline of the oropharynx
Mandible (jawbone) provides the structural support for the floor of the mouth
Gums (gingiva) are covered by mucous membrane and normally hold 32 teeth in adults and 20 for babies
Adults have 32 teeth whereas babies have 20, crown is the top visible white enameled part, root is the largest portion embedded in the gums, neck connects the crown and root
Salivary glands
Produce saliva, a watery, serous fluid containing salts, mucus, and salivary amylase that helps break down food and lubricates it
Parotid glands are located below and in front of the ears and empty through Stensenducts
Submandibularglands are located in the lower jaw and open under the tongue through Whartonducts
Sublingual glands are located under the tongue and open through several ducts on the floorofthemouth
Help protect against infection, palatinetonsils are masses of lymphoidtissue located on both sides of the oropharynx,lingualtonsils lie at the base of the tongue,pharyngealtonsils (adenoids) are found high in the nasopharynx
Bordered superiorly by the costal margins, inferiorly by symphysis pubis and inguinal canals, and laterally by the flanks
Abdominal quadrants
Determined by an imaginary vertical line (midline) from the tip of the sternum (xiphoid) through the umbilicus to the symphysis pubis, bisected perpendicularly by the lateral line running through the umbilicus across the abdomen
Four quadrants: right upper, right lower, left upper, left lower
Abdominal regions
Nine regions divided into three parts: epigastric,umbilical,hypogastric / suprapubic
Protect the internal organs and allow normal compression during functional activities
Three layers: outermost externalabdominaloblique, middle internalabdominaloblique, innermost transverseabdominis
Rectus abdominis is a vertical muscle of the anterior abdominal wall
Imaginary vertical line (midline)
From the tip of the sternum (xiphoid) through the umbilicus to the symphysis pubis
Lateral line
Runs through the umbilicus across the abdomen, bisecting the midline perpendicularly
Fourquadrants of the abdomen
Right upper quadrant (RUQ)
Right lower quadrant (RLQ)
Left upper quadrant (LUQ)
Left lower quadrant (LLQ)
Nine regions of the abdomen
Hypogastric / suprapubic
Abdominal wall muscles
Protect the internal organs and allow normal compression during functional activities
Three layers: externalabdominaloblique,internalabdominaloblique,transverseabdominis
Rectus abdominis
A vertical muscle of the anterior abdominal wall
Linea alba
Whiteline at the midline of the abdomen formed from the joining of muscle fibers and aponeuroses, extends vertically from the xiphoid process to the symphysis pubis
Parietal peritoneum
Thin, shiny serous membrane that lines the abdominalcavity
Visceral peritoneum
Provides a protective covering for most of the internal abdominal organs
Abdominal cavity comprises
Abdominal viscera
Solid viscera
Hollow viscera
Solid viscera
Organs that maintain their shape consistently (liver,pancreas,spleen,adrenalglands,kidneys,ovaries,uterus)
Hollow viscera
Structures that change shape depending on their contents (stomach,gallbladder,smallintestine,colon, bladder)
Largestsolidorgan in the body
Located below the diaphragm in the RUQ of the abdomen
Composed of four lobes that fill most of the RUQ and extend to the leftmidclavicularline (LMCL)
Located mostly behind the stomach, deep in the upper abdomen
An endocrine gland
Accessory organ of digestion
Approximately 7cm wide
Located above the kidney just below the diaphragm at the level of the 9th, 10th, and 11th ribs
Posterior to the leftmidaxillaryline and posterior and lateral to the stomach
Filters the blood of cellular debris, digests microorganisms, returns breakdown products to the liver
Located high and deep under the diaphragm, at the level of T12 to L3 vertebrae
Filtration and elimination of metabolic waste products
Play a role in blood pressure control and maintenance of water, salt, and electrolyte balances
Function as an endocrine gland by secreting hormones
Located in the RLQ and LLQ, normally palpated through bimanual examination of the internal genitalia
Where the abdominal cavity begins
Distensible, flask-like organ located in the LUQ below the diaphragm and between the liver and spleen
Stores, churns, and digests food
Approximately 10cm long
Located near the posterior surface of the liver lateral to the MCL
Concentrates and stores the bile needed to digest fat
Small intestine
Longest portion of the digestive tract, approximately 7m long and 2.5cm in diameter
Digestion and absorption of nutrients
Colon (large intestine)
Approximately 1.4m long and 6cm in diameter
Originates in the RLQ, where it attaches to the small intestine at the ileocecalvalve
Composed of ascending, transverse, and descending sections
Secretes large amounts of alkaline mucus to lubricate the intestine and neutralize acids formed by the intestinal bacteria
Where water is absorbed, leaving waste products to be eliminated in stool
Urinary bladder
Distensible muscular sac located behind the pubicbone in the midline of the abdomen
Temporary receptacle for urine
Pulsations are visible and palpable midline in the upper abdomen
Branches into the right and leftiliacarteries below the umbilicus