
Cards (10)

  • Components of blood
    • Plasma
    • Red blood cells
    • White blood cells
    • Platelets
  • Plasma
    A yellow liquid that takes up about 40% of the blood, with dissolved carbon dioxide(waste of aerobic respiration), hormones and urea. Other nutrients such as protein or glucose are also dissolved in the plasma
  • RBC = Erythrocytes
  • Red blood cells
    • Make the blood red due to hemoglobin pigment
    • Carry oxygen
    • Smaller than other cells to go through tiny blood vessels
    • Bi-concave shaped for efficiency
    • Elastic and thin to expand/contract easily
    • No nucleus to have extra space for oxygen
    • No mitochondria to avoid using oxygen for itself, delivering it to other cells
    • One of the most abundant cells in the body
  • WBC = Leukocytes
  • White blood cells
    Have a special job to fight against diseases, which is called pathogens. It releases a substance called antibodies.
  • Platelets = Thrombocytes
  • Methods used by white blood cells to eliminate pathogens
    1. Release antibodies to kill pathogens directly
    2. Stick up pathogens together and capture/engulf them
  • Platelets
    Clot wounds to create scabs
  • Phagocytosis is a method of fighting against pathogen by releasing antibodies to stick them up and engulf them.