mammalian heart: structure and function

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  • circulatory system: systems which transport fluids containing materials needed by the organism, as well as waste materials that need to be removed
  • closed circulatory system: blood is pumped around the body and is always contained within a network of blood vessels
  • open circulatory system: the blood, or blood equivalent is inside the body cavity and bathes the organs
    • double circulatory systems have two loops; one to the lungs and one to the body
    • single circulatory systems have one loop that includes the lungs and the body
  • humans have a closed, double circulatory system; in one complete circuit of the body blood passes through the heart twice
    • the right side of the heart pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange; pulmonary circulatory system
    • blood then returns to the left side of the heart, so that oxygenated blood can be pumped at high pressure around the body; systemic circulatory system
  • the heart is protected in the chest cavity by the pericardium, a tough and fibrous sac
    • the septum is a wall of muscular tissue that separates the left and right sides of the heart
    • it is important to ensure blood doesn't mix between the left and right sides of the heart
  • valves are important for keeping blood flowing forward in the right direction and for maintaining the correct pressure in the chambers of the heart
  • valves in the heart
    • open when the pressure of blood behind them is greater than the pressure in front of them
    • close when the pressure of blood in front of them is greater than the pressure behind them
  • the valves are attached to the heart walls by valve tendons, or cords; these prevent the valves from flipping inside out under high pressure
  • left ventricle: thicker muscle than right ventricle for strong contraction to pump blood all the way around the body; the right ventricle in comparison only has to pump blood to the nearby lungs
  • ventricles: thicker walls than atria to pump blood out of the heart; the atria in comparison only pump blood into the ventricles
  • AV valves: prevent backflow of blood from ventricles into atria
    SL valves: prevent backflow of blood from aorta or pulmonary artery into ventricles
  • two blood vessels bring blood into the heart
    • vena cava brings blood from the body
    • pulmonary vein brings blood from the lungs
  • two blood vessels take blood away from the heart
    • pulmonary artery takes blood to the lungs
    • aorta takes blood to the body
  • muscle of the heart itself is supplied with blood by a series of blood vessels known as the coronary arteries
    they can be seen running across the surface of the heart