Cards (37)

  • It is important to study history of media to learn how it evolves to the media we know of today
  • There are four major stages of media, these are prehistoric, industrial, electronic, and information ages
  • Prehistoric age - the discovery of 40000 years old cave painting in indonesia and several other cave art all over the world
  • Despite the cavemen’s lack of sophisticated and documented speech, they found a means to express and transmit their thoughts
  • after the stone age, civilization developed and more formal speech forms started to emarge
  • Ancient Egyptians - developed their hieroglyphic script (32000 BCE)
  • Sumerians developed cuneiform around 5000 BCE
  • Many believed ancients Egyptians developed earliest paper
  • History credits Han dynasty of ancient china for invention of paper
  • Manuscripts - earliest form of print media.
  • Preservation of of ancient records by scribes is possible through manuscripts
  • Industrial age - this age replaced hand tools with power-driven machines
  • In the 1850, paper manufacturing became cheaper
  • in industrial age noted improvements in mass media, steam driven presses allowed faster printing
  • In the 1990 highly skilled manual typer setting replaced semi-skilled typesetting through automatic compassing machines
  • Electronic age - the peak of industrial age and continuing scientific and technology was aided by scientific discovery
  • electronic age - began with the telegraph invention in mid 1840s. This invention led to production of radios, telephones, and televisions
  • electronic age - faster and easier communication developed during this age
  • information age - the internet is dominant medianplatform
  • Internet is perceived as a development and not independent invention
  • the beginning step of internet is called ARPAnet (advance research projects agency network) - secure alternative communication during the cold war between U.S and former ussr
  • ARPAnet is a single network conmected to few dozen sites
  • Vinton Cerf solved the complication problem of ARPAnet through TCP Transmission Control Protocol)
  • ARPAnet evolved into Worldwide network
  • TCP is for send files to others in 1980s.
  • Tim Berners Lee developed the WWW a in 1990s
  • Traditional age - is the means of communication or channel in the past
  • traditional media - also called the old media
  • traditional media - include in those prehistoric, industrial, and electronic ages.
  • new media - also known as modern media, refers to communication in recent times
  • new media - are contemporary ways of communicating through the advance technological gadgets
  • Print media - refers to written materials used in mass communication and distributed as printed publications
  • characters of print media:
    literacy dependent
    independent media
    standards for structure
  • literacy dependent - to understand the contents written in print media
  • portable - one can carry print media such as news papers, journals, and pocket bookz
  • independent media - print media does not need another medium to transmit information
  • standards for structure - correctness and layout is necessary before publishing in print