'Operation Harvest' by the IRA aimed to unite north and south but drove them apart more – convinced protestants of catholic violence, created a landslide of policies created by unionists to protect their position in Northern Ireland
Only primary occupants of property could vote ->Religion often dictated if people could get housing – removes a lot of catholic votes because they cannot get housing
London does not intervene because conservatives have made a broad agreement with unionist party to not intervene with their politics – Wilson has a completely different attitude and needs the support of the newly created democratic party that votes for him, so he meddles. He does his best but complicates it and makes it worse
Albert Kennedy, Inspector General of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) appealed to home minister Craig that people were getting confused between civil rights marches and members of the IRA and the IRA could take advantage of the situation
NI's Prime Minister Terence O'Neill faced pressure to respond to the civil rights movement in a way that was beneficial for both Catholics and Protestants. He broadcast a speech in December 1968 compelling people to come together