
Cards (12)

  • Stars are distant “suns”. They seem so far away that they look like dots of light
  • THE SUN is a giant ball of fire that sustains life on Earth.The sun is a star
  • Betelgeuse is also known as Alpha Orionis
  • Betelgeuse- this star is thought to be thousand times larger than the Sun
  • VY Canis Majoris approximately 2000 times larger than the Sun, it is the largest known star in the universe
  • Chromosphere lies over the photosphere
  • The highly tenuous region over the chromosphere, called the Corona
    • The surface of the Sun is called Photosphere.
  • The sun ceaselessly emits a surge of charged particles, which are generally composed of electrons and protons
  • The sun ceaselessly emits a surge of charged particles, which are generally composed of electrons and protons. This surge of charged particles is known as Solar Wind.
  • Auroras can be seen from spacecraft orbiting above the earth
  • Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights occur when solar winds collide with Earth's magnetic field