Stars are distant “suns”. They seem so far away that they look like dots of light
THE SUN is a giant ball of fire that sustains life on Earth.The sun is a star
Betelgeuse is also known as Alpha Orionis
Betelgeuse- this star is thought to be thousandtimeslargerthantheSun
VY Canis Majoris approximately 2000 times larger than the Sun, it is the largest known star in the universe
Chromosphere lies over the photosphere
The highly tenuous region over the chromosphere, called the Corona
The surface of the Sun is called Photosphere.
The sun ceaselessly emits a surge of charged particles, which are generally composed of electrons and protons
The sun ceaselessly emits a surge of charged particles, which are generally composed of electrons and protons. This surge of charged particles is known as Solar Wind.
Auroras can be seen from spacecraft orbiting above the earth
AuroraBorealis or Northern Lights occur when solar winds collide with Earth's magnetic field