Complex animal and plant cells, made up of eukaryotic cells
Smaller and simpler bacterial or fungi cell, made up of one singular prokaryotic cell, (a single-celled organism/ unicellular)
Subcellular structures
The different parts of the cell
Animal cell components
Nucleus (contains genetic material that controls the activities of the cell)
Cytoplasm (A gel like substance where most chemical reactions take place, also contains enzymes that control these reactions)
Cell membrane (Holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out)
Mitochondria (Site of aerobic respiration, respiration transfers energy that the cell needs to work)
Ribosomes (Proteinsynthesis)
Plant cell components
Cell membrane
Cell wall (made of cellulose, which supports the cells structure and strengthens it)
Vacuole (which contains cell sap and maintains water balance, keeping the cell turgid)
Chloroplasts (Where photosynthesis occurs, which makes food for the plant. They contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which absorbs light energy, need for photosynthesis)
Bacterial cell components
Single circular strand of DNA, or small rings called Plasmids (This floats around in the cytoplasm and is less structured than a regular nucleus)
Cell wall
Cell membrane
Flagella (a tail that helps them get around, it is built up over the course of their lifetime)