
Cards (9)

  • psychodynamic
    Eros - life instinct - desire to preserve life and enjoy it
    Thanatos - death instinct - towards death and destruction
    Human behaviour as an interaction between these two instincts - aggression when redirect the destructive nature of Thanatos away from self and on to others
    Freud argues aggression originates from Thanatos
  • ID - pleasure principle - Unconscious insatiable set of instincts with which people are born
  • Ego - reality principle - conscious rational part of the personality that arbitrates between the demands of the ID and the demand of the superego
  • Superego - morality principle - concerned with what is right and wrong developed through socialisation
  • Catharsis - releasing animations/internal drive of aggression in ID - have a few negative emotions and are less aggressive
    Aggression can occur when you can’t catharsis release
  • Displacement - aggression towards is not acceptable eg - teacher redirected to a more available substitute
  • Sublimation - individuals able to displace his or her emotions in a constructive socially acceptable way
  • Evaluation strengths of Freud
    • research evidence - Beneficial to process aggression - Graham et al 2008 - sample 51 - ranted + process emotions - improved in control over pain + depression - expressing anger may lead to health benefits - catharisis
    • Freud theory explain hot blooded and cold blooded aggression - hot blooded Is impulsive and angry - cold blooded actions deliberately planned out - Ego successfully controls plus guides ID impulses
  • Weaknesses of Freud
    • Bushman 2002 - catharsis heightens aggression - 600 students are angered by confederate criticising their essay - Found students who vented by hitting punching bag more aggressive
    • Counterpoint - Freud theory - not scientific or empirically observed - lack of scientific evidence all linguistic information