
Cards (15)

  • Visceral pain
    Pain that occurs when hollow abdominal organs become distended or contract forcefully
  • Visceral pain
    This pain is poorly defined or localized and intermittently timed
  • Parietal pain
    This pain occurs when the parietal peritoneum becomes inflammed
  • Grey turner sign
    Purple discoloration at the flanks which indicates bleeding within the abdominal wall, possible from trauma to the kidneys, pancreas, or duodenum or from pancreatitis
  • Cushing syndrome
    Dark bluish-pink striae that are due to increased hemoglobin
  • Keliods
    Excess scar tissue
  • Petechiae
    Reddish or purple lesions
  • Cullen’s sign
    A bluish or purple discoloration around the umbilicus which indicates intra-abdominal bleeding
  • Hernia
    Protrusion of the bowel through the abdominal wall
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
    Vigorous, wide, exaggerated pulsations may be seen with ___
  • Bruits
    Low-pitched murmur-like sound
  • borborygmus
    A hyperactive bowel sound is referred to as
  • Hepatomegaly
    A liver span that exceeds normal limits
  • Normal liver span at the MCL is 6-12 cm
  • Splenomegaly
    Is characterized by an area of dullness greater than 7 cm wide.