Transpiration rate

Cards (5)

  • what are the 4 main factors which affect transpiration rate?
  • How does light affect transpiration rate?
    lighter = faster rate
    Positive correlation
    Because the stomata open when it gets light to let in CO2 for photosynthesis
    Dark = stomata usually closed- so little transpiration
  • How does temperature affect transpiration rate?
    Higher temp = faster rate
    Warmer water molecules have more energy so they evaporate from the cells inside the leaf faster. = increases conc gradient between inside and outside of leaf - making water diffuse out of the leaf faster
  • How does humidity affect transpiration rate?
    Lower humidity = faster rate
    Negative correlation
    If air around plant is dry = conc gradient between the leaf and the air is increased = increases transpiration
  • How does wind affect transpiration rate?
    Windier = faster rate
    Lots of air movement blows away water molecules from around the stomata = increases conc gradient = increases rate