When a person or agency representing a State has committed abuse against an individual or group
That is human rights violation
State representativesinclude but are not limited to the following
Armed forces
Law enforcement officials
All of us are born free, equal, and dignified
Human rights
Inherententitlements that every person has
In the Philippines, we have the CHR or Commission on Human Rights
Mandated to conduct investigations on human rights violations against marginalized and vulnerable sectors of the society, involving civil and political rights
Human rights as stipulated in the Philippine constitution
The Bill of Rights is the declaration and enumeration of the individual rights and privileges and is designed to protect individuals against violations and a limitation upon the power of the state
Better understanding of human rights
Better promotion of justice and social welfare
Three main types of HUMAN RIGHTS
Absolute Human Rights
Limited Human Rights
Qualified Human Rights
Absolute Human Rights
Rights that cannot be restricted in any way
Examples of absolute rights
Prohibition of torture
Prohibition of summary execution
Right to life
Limited Human Rights
Rights that can be limited in specific circumstances
Example of limited rights
Right to liberty
Qualified Human Rights
Rights that can be interfered with in order to protect the rights of other individuals or the public interest
Examples of qualified rights
Right to respect for private and family life
Right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Freedom of assembly and association
The concept of collective rights
Emerged because individual human rights do not guarantee adequate protection for these groups exhibiting collective or social characteristics
Those groups are facing various threats to their health, security, livelihood, their environment, and their very survival may depend upon the recognition and protection of their collective rights
Human rights are divided into three separate generations based on civil and political rights; economic, social, and cultural rights; collective or solidarity rights
Collective Rights
Rights applicable to individuals, while some are only relevant to groups, sectors, or communities
Cyrus cylinder
from which human rights were born
Understanding Human Rights
People who commit common crimes are individually liable against national penal laws.
Cyrus the Great
the first king of Persia who freed the slaves of Babylon
Magna Carta
Once a king from England agreed no one could overrule the rights of the people