Dissecting Plants

Cards (5)

  • How do you dissect a plant to prepare a section of tissue?
    1. Use scalpel to cut cross-section of stem. Cut sections as thinly as possible - better for microscope viewing
    2. Use tweezers to gently place cut sections in water until use them. = stops them drying out
  • How do you dissect a plamt steps3-4?
    3. Transfer each section to a dish containing a stain (eg TBO) and leave for one minute. TBO stains lignin in walls of xylem vessels blue-green. = lets you see position of xylem vessels +examine structure
    4. rinse off sections in water and mount each one onto a slide
  • What is TBO?
    toluidine blue
  • What does TBO do?
    Stains the lignin of the walls of the xylem vessels blue-green
  • what can you use?
    different stains to highlight the different parts of the cells